Ice Inlet - Gor
Their is our newest project, a full prim gorean sim named Ice Inlet.
Teleport to Ice Inlet in Second Life
We opened in october 2009 this sim in Second Life for Gorean roleplayers
of German Gor.
Player's with other languages are welcome but must use a translator to German
Our newest project in October 2009 was to bring the Ice Inlet Sim ic and online.
This Sim is Adult and serves the German Gor players in the search of Sl under Torvaldsland and Gorean found.
Ice Inlet is part Torvaldsland level with Scagnar Hunjer and one of the westernmost points of Torvaldsland on the mainland.
Teleport nach Ice Inlet
Wednesday, November 18, 2009
Saturday, October 10, 2009
Is Death By Liver Failure Painful
Friday, October 9, 2009
Hazards Found In The Kitchen Worksheets
Club sought or Main Goals
Nach dem großen Brand und dem zusammenstürzen des alten Club´s Xeffect ist auf Manhattan Island nun wieder Land für einen Club oder Mainstore zu vermieten.
4080qm mit 930 Prims stehen ab sofort zur Verfügung.
Only the new tenant must vacate yet, lol? 20Island/134/197/22
go directly to the country.
Ewünscht would be someone who the rest of the Sim aligning something.
Nach dem großen Brand und dem zusammenstürzen des alten Club´s Xeffect ist auf Manhattan Island nun wieder Land für einen Club oder Mainstore zu vermieten.
4080qm mit 930 Prims stehen ab sofort zur Verfügung.
Only the new tenant must vacate yet, lol? 20Island/134/197/22
go directly to the country.
Ewünscht would be someone who the rest of the Sim aligning something.
Wednesday, October 7, 2009
Is Jeevan Tarang A Good Policy
Our shop tenants in Manhattan Iceland - News
Oru tenants in the Manhattan Sim Iceland are a part of the Treasure Hunt.
We planned to be a part of the Treasure Hunt 2009th
It start's at 10/18 to 11/22 2009th
Visit the Main Goals of Dakara Creations places to get all of the Treasure Hunt. Their you can find a sign like this, simple touch it for more informations.
Die Shop Mieter von Manhattan Island nehmen
an der aktuelle Schatzsuche teil.
Vom 18.10.2009 - 22.11-2009 .
Es wird dann wieder ein tolles Geschenk von uns geben, wir verraten jetzt noch nicht was genau.
Weitere Infos gibt es beim anklicken dieses Schildes am Mainstore von Dakara Creations.
Oru tenants in the Manhattan Sim Iceland are a part of the Treasure Hunt.
We planned to be a part of the Treasure Hunt 2009th
It start's at 10/18 to 11/22 2009th
Visit the Main Goals of Dakara Creations places to get all of the Treasure Hunt. Their you can find a sign like this, simple touch it for more informations.
Die Shop Mieter von Manhattan Island nehmen
an der aktuelle Schatzsuche teil.
Vom 18.10.2009 - 22.11-2009 .
Es wird dann wieder ein tolles Geschenk von uns geben, wir verraten jetzt noch nicht was genau.
Weitere Infos gibt es beim anklicken dieses Schildes am Mainstore von Dakara Creations.
Monday, October 5, 2009
Testing Ski Doo Ignition Coil
Auf der Sim Seaducer Island kann ab sofort 1/4 Sim gemietet werden.
1 Teil a 16384 qm mit 937 Prims abgeteilt, direkt inmitten einer wilden
Berglandschaft mit eigenem Traumstrand.
Willkommen auf Deiner Insel ! ---->> Teleport an den Strand
Legs Itch After Waxing
Sunday, October 4, 2009
Rf Tramitter Using Pic16f
We currently offer a complete region / sim with the name Kimberly.
There are 65536 sqm for housing or even the role-playing game for Gor or Bloodlines available.
With a total of 3750 prims available on the region for light commercial use ebendfalls suitable.
A club is allowed by us or not Linden Lab.
Skip to Sim
How Much Does It Cost To Knock A Wall
Zur Zeit frei zum Mieten ist eine Insel, eingerahmt von Bergen und eigenem privatem Strand mit einer Größe von 16384 qm, 937 Prims.
Terraforming bedingt möglich.
Miete / Woche : 2000 l$
Das Land kann für Gor Rollenspiel
genutzt werden !
Transport zu einem Ort in SL. Auch Angebot eines anderen Avatars zu seiner Position in SL zu kommen.
Teleport direkt zur Insel :
Saturday, October 3, 2009
Billyblanks Resistance Bands
Geister Pfeffer
SL-Land offers to rent constantly regions / buy. Especially for German customers, we have great deals. We are based in Germany and are therefore easily accessible.
support we give in English.
Our long experience and many satisfied customers result in a rule for a high utilization of our SIMs in Second Life. A reservation in advance is worth it.
We guarantee a professional and reliable transaction.
The buyer / tenant of an entire region will have full rights and estate managers can nominate up to 3 other persons to whom the rights are granted ebendfalls.
For detailed information and other We are happy to assist you ask.
inquiries / orders, please be addressed to spirits pepper.
please do so, send a notecard inworld best.
See you in Second Life!
Bragg Organic Apple Cider Vinegar In Southampton
is now for all tenants, the group set up inworld SL-country, there are important information about the status or SL-free countries reported.
The group is of course not mandatory but always better you are in there:)
Am I in it know ...? Who has not, please send an IM to Giny Magic or ghost pepper.
Friday, August 21, 2009
Seating Chart Template Theatre
Men in Bras
... Because you look at flickr for groups with the word "Men" and the first thing is this: men in bras
men in pantyhose
men with long hair (dat is still normal)
hairy muscular men
bbw's for men sissy men in lycra outfit
internet is great! : D may
... Because you look at flickr for groups with the word "Men" and the first thing is this: men in bras
men in pantyhose
men with long hair (dat is still normal)
hairy muscular men
bbw's for men sissy men in lycra outfit
internet is great! : D may
Tuesday, August 4, 2009
Toothbrushing Techniques
Hair Dry Leading Up To Period
mmmmh ... Is Paris Hilton
... pancakes with poppy: egg, flour, milk, sugar und gewaschener (!) Blaumohn.
Hätte ich nicht auf die Packung geguckt, würde ich dann mit Mohnvergiftung hier hocken?
Da steht, dass man pro Tag nicht mehr als 25g rohen Mohn essen solle.
... pancakes with poppy: egg, flour, milk, sugar und gewaschener (!) Blaumohn.
Hätte ich nicht auf die Packung geguckt, würde ich dann mit Mohnvergiftung hier hocken?
Da steht, dass man pro Tag nicht mehr als 25g rohen Mohn essen solle.
Sunday, August 2, 2009
Food Products Containing Whey
but a corpse?
Vielleicht ja - ich kann mir nicht helfen, aber die Dame auf dem Buchcover eines der zwei Handarbeitsbücher von 1977 erinnert mich an SIE!
Zusammen mit acht anderen habe ich diese Buch heute für acht Euro auf dem Tierheim-Trödel erstanden. Bei diesen Näh- und Strickanleitungen aus den siebzigern schlägt mein Kitsch- und Sammlerherz! Ebenso MUSSTE ich einfach ein anderes Buch über Typ- und Farbberatung von 1985 mitnehmen und zwei Benimmbücher aus den Fifties.
It finds the young reader how he treated as an adolescent pimples and how the young girl dressed properly.
The band for the girls is from 1954 and the young for the man of 1958 - when the profile was even a letter of 1962 Wesel parish out ...
I almost with a similar book from this time "we girls" - grew up, I noticed the two-color drawings simply likeable.
Besides these five books I have a book tables at the
achtlos hingeworfenes Büchlein mit schönen Fotografien
aus Rumänien gefunden ( als Halbrumänin ein Muss! ),
dann den Roman, den ich schon seit Jahren suche: "Ein feines Haus" von Emile Zola.
Und seit heute besitze ich das was weiss ich wievielte Buch über den katholischen Klerus, "Weshalb Priester?" von 1979, in dem sich die Herren wie heute, dreissig Jahre später, über Priestermangel, ungeeignete Priesteramtskandidaten und den Pflichtzölibat beschweren...
Vielleicht sollte ich mal eine Liste meiner Priesterbuchsammlung erstellen :P
Vielleicht ja - ich kann mir nicht helfen, aber die Dame auf dem Buchcover eines der zwei Handarbeitsbücher von 1977 erinnert mich an SIE!
Zusammen mit acht anderen habe ich diese Buch heute für acht Euro auf dem Tierheim-Trödel erstanden. Bei diesen Näh- und Strickanleitungen aus den siebzigern schlägt mein Kitsch- und Sammlerherz! Ebenso MUSSTE ich einfach ein anderes Buch über Typ- und Farbberatung von 1985 mitnehmen und zwei Benimmbücher aus den Fifties.
It finds the young reader how he treated as an adolescent pimples and how the young girl dressed properly.
I almost with a similar book from this time "we girls" - grew up, I noticed the two-color drawings simply likeable.
Besides these five books I have a book tables at the
achtlos hingeworfenes Büchlein mit schönen Fotografien
aus Rumänien gefunden ( als Halbrumänin ein Muss! ),
dann den Roman, den ich schon seit Jahren suche: "Ein feines Haus" von Emile Zola.
Und seit heute besitze ich das was weiss ich wievielte Buch über den katholischen Klerus, "Weshalb Priester?" von 1979, in dem sich die Herren wie heute, dreissig Jahre später, über Priestermangel, ungeeignete Priesteramtskandidaten und den Pflichtzölibat beschweren...
Vielleicht sollte ich mal eine Liste meiner Priesterbuchsammlung erstellen :P
Saturday, August 1, 2009
Realraptalk Annabel Chong
What the ABC-Combat Robot loves ...
Gestern gesehen - "Judge Dredd" mit Sylvester Stallone von 1995.
Although the film had received bad reviews at that time, I saw him last night I watched a lot.
especially remember me Stallone is designed by Gianni Versace Armor (with egg warmer: P) and the larger than life combat robots, the ABC-Combat Robot with a strong chin.
was funny but I saw him almost six years before, late at night before I am the next morning and his family to Bonn on housing is left ... and now again in the week that I contract with my 5. Bude had signed. Actually this is my second right own apartment, after the in Bonn, and in between I have only dorm and two WGs usual.
For some Currently I watch every night for a science-fiction movie - the Star Wars parts, AI, Demolitian Man, Final Fantasy, Total Recall, the Judge - and particularly excited me, "Dark City" from 1998. Unfortunately I had previously taken all the excitement and the whole Synopsis previously read on the internet, but whatever ...
Only now let's see ET in the original!
Gestern gesehen - "Judge Dredd" mit Sylvester Stallone von 1995.
Although the film had received bad reviews at that time, I saw him last night I watched a lot.
especially remember me Stallone is designed by Gianni Versace Armor (with egg warmer: P) and the larger than life combat robots, the ABC-Combat Robot with a strong chin.
was funny but I saw him almost six years before, late at night before I am the next morning and his family to Bonn on housing is left ... and now again in the week that I contract with my 5. Bude had signed. Actually this is my second right own apartment, after the in Bonn, and in between I have only dorm and two WGs usual.
For some Currently I watch every night for a science-fiction movie - the Star Wars parts, AI, Demolitian Man, Final Fantasy, Total Recall, the Judge - and particularly excited me, "Dark City" from 1998. Unfortunately I had previously taken all the excitement and the whole Synopsis previously read on the internet, but whatever ...
Only now let's see ET in the original!
Thursday, July 30, 2009
How Long Until You See Result For Zumba
Living better ...
... I am from 01.09.2009 new in my room!
have this morning signed the lease and it can not even take Sun
own apartment, just for me alone, even with a Autobanauffahrt. : P
With laminate, balcony overlooking the green and a beautifully proportioned rooms, which I am now fully in place already with my thoughts Expedit room divider in black, my beloved 2.26 m high Ivar shelves and various other stuff. This is also the first apartment, my desk where I can thus introduce the wall that the light comes from the left. Perfect for drawing, painting and sewing during the day!
would be for a small animal now place ... ;)
... I am from 01.09.2009 new in my room!
have this morning signed the lease and it can not even take Sun
own apartment, just for me alone, even with a Autobanauffahrt. : P
With laminate, balcony overlooking the green and a beautifully proportioned rooms, which I am now fully in place already with my thoughts Expedit room divider in black, my beloved 2.26 m high Ivar shelves and various other stuff. This is also the first apartment, my desk where I can thus introduce the wall that the light comes from the left. Perfect for drawing, painting and sewing during the day!
would be for a small animal now place ... ;)
Monday, July 27, 2009
Kymco People Sport Exhaust
Post, Post!
On 18 July was I with Mrs. R. Jotter flea market on the promenade.
With a short break we were a total of 8 hours at the flea market.
we have probably not even seen half of the stands!
Looking forward to the next Promenadenflohmarkt.
Leider werde ich den am 15. August ausfallen lassen müssen, da ich vom 14. bis zum 16. August beim Larpen sein werde.
Wer es noch nicht kennt, ich fahre wieder als NSC zum Murphy 4.0 , dass die "multiplewelten" Gruppe aus Bochum organisiert. Es wird ganz klein sein, fast familiär und ich freue mich auf die Leute, die kommen! Na, hoffentlich kommen überhaupt ein paar, wahrscheinlich sind einfach viele in den Sommerferien...
So, hier sind auch ein paar Fundstücke vom Promenadenflohmarkt und Beute aus der Stadt.
Erst einmal die kleine Tasche mit petit point Stickerei, die ich für 15 Euro erstanden habe. Eigentlich hätte man handeln müssen, aber I was kinda too tired: P
Ultimately it was coincidence but who bought the bag yet.
For a few days earlier, I had found my mother a knitting spool and a violet cord to "knit" with which I could only start anything.
Coincidentally matched the purple cord, which can be seen in the photo, converted to a shoulder strap, perfect for small pocket! Currently I make new cords in the colors of the embroidery ... let's see if it is something!
side of the bag you can see the pale turquoise cloth that I got from a ... uh ... "Kiffer Stand," on the picture below four sheets with 50 cents and then a beautiful little tea caddies Booklet for my many types of tea, zippers and four Donald Duck.
And a very great part I forgot to photograph - a green juice Folklore chemise in wool with black embroidery (?)! 'm Still undecided what to do with them. Photos to follow but still!
And here are a few things from the city, tea caddies and tea for 25 € and orange sandals for 3 € from the "air castle". I really liked this one
Color previously did not, but for some time it fascinated me!
I will elsewhere to write something about the crunchy orange ...;)
On 18 July was I with Mrs. R. Jotter flea market on the promenade.
With a short break we were a total of 8 hours at the flea market.
we have probably not even seen half of the stands!
Looking forward to the next Promenadenflohmarkt.
Leider werde ich den am 15. August ausfallen lassen müssen, da ich vom 14. bis zum 16. August beim Larpen sein werde.
Wer es noch nicht kennt, ich fahre wieder als NSC zum Murphy 4.0 , dass die "multiplewelten" Gruppe aus Bochum organisiert. Es wird ganz klein sein, fast familiär und ich freue mich auf die Leute, die kommen! Na, hoffentlich kommen überhaupt ein paar, wahrscheinlich sind einfach viele in den Sommerferien...
So, hier sind auch ein paar Fundstücke vom Promenadenflohmarkt und Beute aus der Stadt.
Erst einmal die kleine Tasche mit petit point Stickerei, die ich für 15 Euro erstanden habe. Eigentlich hätte man handeln müssen, aber I was kinda too tired: P
Ultimately it was coincidence but who bought the bag yet.
For a few days earlier, I had found my mother a knitting spool and a violet cord to "knit" with which I could only start anything.
Coincidentally matched the purple cord, which can be seen in the photo, converted to a shoulder strap, perfect for small pocket! Currently I make new cords in the colors of the embroidery ... let's see if it is something!
side of the bag you can see the pale turquoise cloth that I got from a ... uh ... "Kiffer Stand," on the picture below four sheets with 50 cents and then a beautiful little tea caddies Booklet for my many types of tea, zippers and four Donald Duck.
And a very great part I forgot to photograph - a green juice Folklore chemise in wool with black embroidery (?)! 'm Still undecided what to do with them. Photos to follow but still!
And here are a few things from the city, tea caddies and tea for 25 € and orange sandals for 3 € from the "air castle". I really liked this one
Color previously did not, but for some time it fascinated me!
I will elsewhere to write something about the crunchy orange ...;)
Friday, June 19, 2009
Lower Right Stomach Twitching
tips from real life
never buy cheap cocoa powder (so if you eat it pure as I now), grind with me so beautiful grain of salt between the teeth.
never buy cheap cocoa powder (so if you eat it pure as I now), grind with me so beautiful grain of salt between the teeth.
Thursday, June 18, 2009
Monday, June 8, 2009
How To Make Reptile Mist System
What I am doing grad ...
I just can never tell me sit down and write something.
Besides studying I'm working very much to distinguish me from the paint and to recover (which also at some point more ...). Friday night, "suppose," I I always free to take me to recover from the stressful week and then will not do anything for FH!
This Friday I'm ready to get this good piece;
here I had several brown, eggshell white and linen fabrics are here, from where I wanted to do every now and blouses and tunics for LARP.
Some time ago I also have to fund my LARP group (incidentally, these are the nice people which need registration for their Con Murphy 4.0 in August;) tailored), but somehow it just did not get the boys so interested. P had
Some time ago, even in the last semester break .. I sewed this good piece
and since it has not yet fallen apart, has proved very good and I still had the right materials here, I am set for Saturday at a smaller version of this bag.
Such is the whole of the inside, I started with the "Alpine" borders with contrasting inserts.
With all the lining and inner strap (it's softer on the shoulder) is eventually lose track of: P
Achja, Sachen aus den Illukursen lade ich bei Flickr und Deviantart hoch, ist mir hier zu umständlich :P .
I just can never tell me sit down and write something.
Besides studying I'm working very much to distinguish me from the paint and to recover (which also at some point more ...). Friday night, "suppose," I I always free to take me to recover from the stressful week and then will not do anything for FH!
This Friday I'm ready to get this good piece;
here I had several brown, eggshell white and linen fabrics are here, from where I wanted to do every now and blouses and tunics for LARP.
Some time ago I also have to fund my LARP group (incidentally, these are the nice people which need registration for their Con Murphy 4.0 in August;) tailored), but somehow it just did not get the boys so interested. P had
Some time ago, even in the last semester break .. I sewed this good piece
and since it has not yet fallen apart, has proved very good and I still had the right materials here, I am set for Saturday at a smaller version of this bag.
Such is the whole of the inside, I started with the "Alpine" borders with contrasting inserts.
With all the lining and inner strap (it's softer on the shoulder) is eventually lose track of: P
Achja, Sachen aus den Illukursen lade ich bei Flickr und Deviantart hoch, ist mir hier zu umständlich :P .
Friday, May 1, 2009
Unblocked Sckoolgames
Vier Designstudenten - ein Bild. Einer zeichnet den Kopf, der nächste vervollständigt Augen, Mund und Nase und der letzte bekommt die Beine! In lustiger Runde während des Schreibkurses und eines gemütlichen Abends entstanden.
Und von dieser werten Dame habe ich vorgestern Besuch bekommen:
Diese Ackerhummel saß einen Tag lang mit hängenden Flügelchen auf meiner Fensterbank, bis ich sie auf die Fensterbank draußen setzte. Madame krabbelte prompt in ein Spinnennetz und so hab ich sie mit angefeuchtetem Zucker unter ein Glas gesetzt und eine Nacht gewartet...Am anderen Morgen war sie wieder so fit, dass sie in die Freiheit entlassen werden konnte.
Vier Designstudenten - ein Bild. Einer zeichnet den Kopf, der nächste vervollständigt Augen, Mund und Nase und der letzte bekommt die Beine! In lustiger Runde während des Schreibkurses und eines gemütlichen Abends entstanden.
Und von dieser werten Dame habe ich vorgestern Besuch bekommen:
Diese Ackerhummel saß einen Tag lang mit hängenden Flügelchen auf meiner Fensterbank, bis ich sie auf die Fensterbank draußen setzte. Madame krabbelte prompt in ein Spinnennetz und so hab ich sie mit angefeuchtetem Zucker unter ein Glas gesetzt und eine Nacht gewartet...Am anderen Morgen war sie wieder so fit, dass sie in die Freiheit entlassen werden konnte.
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