What I am doing grad ...
I just can never tell me sit down and write something.
Besides studying I'm working very much to distinguish me from the paint and to recover (which also at some point more ...). Friday night, "suppose," I I always free to take me to recover from the stressful week and then will not do anything for FH!
This Friday I'm ready to get this good piece;
here I had several brown, eggshell white and linen fabrics are here, from where I wanted to do every now and blouses and tunics for LARP.
Some time ago I also have to fund my LARP group (incidentally, these are the nice people which need registration for their Con Murphy 4.0 in August;) tailored), but somehow it just did not get the boys so interested. P had
Some time ago, even in the last semester break .. I sewed this good piece
and since it has not yet fallen apart, has proved very good and I still had the right materials here, I am set for Saturday at a smaller version of this bag.
Such is the whole of the inside, I started with the "Alpine" borders with contrasting inserts.
With all the lining and inner strap (it's softer on the shoulder) is eventually lose track of: P
Achja, Sachen aus den Illukursen lade ich bei Flickr und Deviantart hoch, ist mir hier zu umständlich :P .
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