Ice Inlet
Name der Sim : Ice Inlet
Eigentümer der Sim: Geister Pfeffer alias Spirit
Ansprechpartner (Admin) :
Gianna Schechter
HelgaSonja Magic
Geister Pfeffer
lackhuellthaut Lane
Hannibal Mohr
Asmodis Denja
Simgrösse ( Verbund) : 5 Sim´s im Verbund mit Fellglanz, Northern Woods, Greenland, Stone Inlet
Metersystem(e) : GM und NLS
Gorlage(Süd,- Mittel,- oder Nordgor) : Nord Gor
Raids ( nie, selten, häufiger, täglich) : selten
Panther / Talunatribes (Anzahl): Keine Panther, die wohnen auf Northern Woods
Kriegerinnen erlaubt : Ja
Schleierpflicht für Freie Frauen : nein
Assasinen RP erlaubt : Bedingt, Tötungsregeln müssen eingehalten werden.
****Tod und Selbstmord****
Eine gültige Tötung im Rollenspiel kann nur erfolgen, wenn vorher 30 minuten RP stattgefunden hat und es in 3 ganzen Sätzen ausgespielt wurde. Pro Person ist nur eine Tötung innerhalb von 24 Stunden auf dieser Sim erlaubt. Wenn kein OOC Einverständins the victim is present, the victim is not dead but in a coma, the time is the same as a death. In order to effectively
killing is complete, a moderator or admin a note card with the name of the slain and of the performers and the sequence and the reason to send.
Death / Coma is seven days excluding RP.
cure RP allowed: After registering with an admin, which is not allowed sex with animals. Kurri-Pet result in immediate ban
Mamba RP allowed: Yes see, killing RP
allows killing RP: **** ****
death and suicide, a valid role in the killing game can take place only if previously taken place 30 minutes RP and it was played in 3 sentences. Per person only a killing within 24 hours on this Sim is allowed. If there is no OOC Einverständins of the victim, the victim is not dead, but in a coma, the time is the same as a death. In order to effectively
killing is complete, a moderator or admin a note card with the name of the slain and of the performers and the sequence and the reason to send.
Death / Coma is seven days excluding RP.
Free Forum / HP: Only Landvermietung.
Besonderheiten :
****Sichere Zone****
Die einzige Safe-Zone ist das Dock und der Handelsposten, hier darf nur RP-Kampf statt finden. Wer die Sim während eines Kampfes verlässt, darf erst nach 15 Minuten wiederkehren. dass Dock ist sichere Zone in dem Sinne das kein Meter-Kampf stattfindet, RP Kämpfe per Dialog sind aber asdrücklich erwünscht.
Der ganze Sky ist OOC-Zone. Dort finden kein offizielles RP statt.
Jeder hat das Recht, ein Rollenspiel abzubrechen, sollten its limits are violated. Pray you protect yourself and your limits listed in your profile.
** For a Gefangenahme on this SIM is responsible for the underdog, at the beginning of Rp inform its partner's stake Limits **. These are then binding! **
INLET ICE is a role-playing sim based on the novels by John Norman (Gor the cycle), but not enacting this. Role play means that you take the role of a character that might be encountered due to the books on Gor. Certain degrees of freedom are possible. Thus, fighters and female Outlaws explicitly desired.
Gorean clothing, the equivalent of one's own role is mandatory. Those who are not dressed appropriately, with the IC consequences. Role-play compliant, we advance and share. Slave bells are off. Bling emitting objects or particle matters are to be avoided where possible.
Bondmaids be fighting technically Kajirae looked upon and may not carry weapons. Slaves that behave ungebürlich for southern climes bear the consequences of IC.
[Außnahem regarding weapons see combat rules!]
are in the role play there is no L $. Currencies of other Sims will not be accepted. Please use GM products and coins of the GM meter, and primary RP or merchandise. Also a trade only with Emotes is possible!
sexual acts, permanent body modification (branding, etc.) and killings are only valid with OOC consent of the person concerned. Who can supply on request any documentation or as text NC with confirmation and risk a ban.
Eigentümer der Sim: Geister Pfeffer alias Spirit
Ansprechpartner (Admin) :
Gianna Schechter
HelgaSonja Magic
Geister Pfeffer
lackhuellthaut Lane
Hannibal Mohr
Asmodis Denja
Simgrösse ( Verbund) : 5 Sim´s im Verbund mit Fellglanz, Northern Woods, Greenland, Stone Inlet
Metersystem(e) : GM und NLS
Gorlage(Süd,- Mittel,- oder Nordgor) : Nord Gor
Raids ( nie, selten, häufiger, täglich) : selten
Panther / Talunatribes (Anzahl): Keine Panther, die wohnen auf Northern Woods
Kriegerinnen erlaubt : Ja
Schleierpflicht für Freie Frauen : nein
Assasinen RP erlaubt : Bedingt, Tötungsregeln müssen eingehalten werden.
****Tod und Selbstmord****
Eine gültige Tötung im Rollenspiel kann nur erfolgen, wenn vorher 30 minuten RP stattgefunden hat und es in 3 ganzen Sätzen ausgespielt wurde. Pro Person ist nur eine Tötung innerhalb von 24 Stunden auf dieser Sim erlaubt. Wenn kein OOC Einverständins the victim is present, the victim is not dead but in a coma, the time is the same as a death. In order to effectively
killing is complete, a moderator or admin a note card with the name of the slain and of the performers and the sequence and the reason to send.
Death / Coma is seven days excluding RP.
cure RP allowed: After registering with an admin, which is not allowed sex with animals. Kurri-Pet result in immediate ban
Mamba RP allowed: Yes see, killing RP
allows killing RP: **** ****
death and suicide, a valid role in the killing game can take place only if previously taken place 30 minutes RP and it was played in 3 sentences. Per person only a killing within 24 hours on this Sim is allowed. If there is no OOC Einverständins of the victim, the victim is not dead, but in a coma, the time is the same as a death. In order to effectively
killing is complete, a moderator or admin a note card with the name of the slain and of the performers and the sequence and the reason to send.
Death / Coma is seven days excluding RP.
Free Forum / HP: Only Landvermietung.
Besonderheiten :
****Sichere Zone****
Die einzige Safe-Zone ist das Dock und der Handelsposten, hier darf nur RP-Kampf statt finden. Wer die Sim während eines Kampfes verlässt, darf erst nach 15 Minuten wiederkehren. dass Dock ist sichere Zone in dem Sinne das kein Meter-Kampf stattfindet, RP Kämpfe per Dialog sind aber asdrücklich erwünscht.
Der ganze Sky ist OOC-Zone. Dort finden kein offizielles RP statt.
Jeder hat das Recht, ein Rollenspiel abzubrechen, sollten its limits are violated. Pray you protect yourself and your limits listed in your profile.
** For a Gefangenahme on this SIM is responsible for the underdog, at the beginning of Rp inform its partner's stake Limits **. These are then binding! **
INLET ICE is a role-playing sim based on the novels by John Norman (Gor the cycle), but not enacting this. Role play means that you take the role of a character that might be encountered due to the books on Gor. Certain degrees of freedom are possible. Thus, fighters and female Outlaws explicitly desired.
Gorean clothing, the equivalent of one's own role is mandatory. Those who are not dressed appropriately, with the IC consequences. Role-play compliant, we advance and share. Slave bells are off. Bling emitting objects or particle matters are to be avoided where possible.
Bondmaids be fighting technically Kajirae looked upon and may not carry weapons. Slaves that behave ungebürlich for southern climes bear the consequences of IC.
[Außnahem regarding weapons see combat rules!]
are in the role play there is no L $. Currencies of other Sims will not be accepted. Please use GM products and coins of the GM meter, and primary RP or merchandise. Also a trade only with Emotes is possible!
sexual acts, permanent body modification (branding, etc.) and killings are only valid with OOC consent of the person concerned. Who can supply on request any documentation or as text NC with confirmation and risk a ban.
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