Panthera Giano
ghost pepper
Gianna Schechter
ghost pepper
Gianna Schechter
Lackhuellthaut Lane
Hannibal Mohr
Simgrösse (composite): 4 Sim's in association with coat gloss, Northern Woods, Greenland,
Hannibal Mohr
Simgrösse (composite): 4 Sim's in association with coat gloss, Northern Woods, Greenland,
metric system (s): GM and NLS
Gorlage (south, - the means - or Nordgor): Gor Northern / Southern Gor
raids (never, rarely, often, daily): frequently
Panther / Talunatribes (number): Sat San'ng Fori Panther (DE )
warriors allowed: Yes
veil obligatory for free women: no
assassins RP allowed: Conditional killing rules must be respected.
Explorers of Gor , the thirteenth book describes in detail the investigation of the jungles of Gor. Several geographical features are discovered during the events in the book mentioned. The novel also describes another conspiracy Kurii and their agents. We see the return of the "invisibility ring," which first emerged in Tribesman of Gor . The jungle scene in this book resembles in many respects, the Africa of the earth. Undoubtedly, similar to the dialects, the languages of the Jungle earthly African Bantu languages and Swahili. It is a fascinating book of research on this scroll and try to explain very much about the jungle. Unfortunately they were not mentioned in the books, many details of the jungle.
the jungles of Gor lie in the equatorial region of Gor, just north of Schendi. Several important waterways leading to the area. The subequatorial Cartius River is a river that flows generally in a westerly or north-westerly direction, entering into the jungle and empties into the Ushindi Lake. It was once thought of Cartius River is a tributary to the Vosk, but that's not right. Der subäquatoriale Cartius hat mit dem Thassa-Cartius nichts zu tun. Ramos, ein Forscher entdeckte den Unterschied. Die früheren Gor-Romane, besonders Die Nomaden von GOR , unterscheiden nicht zwischen beiden Flüssen. Dort heißt es, der Cartius fließe in den Vosk, was nicht stimmt. In diesen Romanen sollte „Cartius“ durch „Thassa-Cartius“ ersetzt werden. Der Thassa-Cartius ist der tatsächliche Zufluss zum Vosk. Dies ist wichtig, wenn man über Ar diskutiert, denn diese Stadt beansprucht das Gebiet zwischen dem Vosk und dem Cartius. Tatsächlich beansprucht sie den Landstrich bis zum Thassa-Cartius und nicht das Land bis zum echten Cartius.
Ngao The lake is as large as the Ushindi Lake, if not larger. "Ngao" is a word of the inland dialect, the "sign" means. He was named by Shaba, because its shape is reminiscent of the usual shields, which are used by the jungle-dwellers. These shields are long and oval. Shaba was the first civilized man who has sailed around the Lake Ngao. Ngao-the lake is fed by a main tributary of the east side, from the Ua. The UA was discovered by Shaba and its name. "Ua" is a word of Inland dialect and means "flower". The UA is at least as large as the Vosk. It has many waterfalls and rapids, the more difficult to cross over. Shaba called these "waterfalls and rapids of Bila Huruma. The source of the Ua is the Shaba Lake.
Lake Ngao (Ngao-See): Ngao is a word of inland dialect, not Gorean, and means "shield." It is larger than the Ushindi Lake. It is a huge, deep, long, oval lake. It is fed by a main river, the Ua and it is in the jungles Schendi. Note also Scroll 49 - The jungles of Gor
jungle is a land covered with dense, tropical vegetation. The area north of Schendi meets this condition with certainty. The jungle is not always an impenetrable thicket, although there are many such areas. The area is rain forest. A rain forest is just a jungle with a very high rate of precipitation, generally more than two and a half feet per year. In this area there are usually two to Gor heavy rains every day, one in the later afternoon, and the other late at night, usually about an ancestor before midnight. The rain is often accompanied by strong winds with speeds of 110-120 per Pasang Ahn. Because of its location on the equator, there is no winter in the rain forests. Instead, there is a dry season, a period of less rain than the rest of the year. It takes two dry and two rainy seasons each year.
There are a few special people in the jungle. These include:
Mamba People: "Mamba" is a word of Inland dialect, the "tharlarion" means. It refers generally to the predator-like flow tharlarion the area. The Mamba people are similar to those tharlarion because they are cannibals and grind their teeth pointed. Presumably it is the only known cannibals on Gor.
talunas: talunas are white-skinned girls who have chosen a life in the jungle. They come from different cities in the southern jungle, some as free women, other than runaway slaves. They show some similarities to the Panther Girl of the northern forests. The word "Taluna" was translated in the books ever, so we can not say whether "Taluna" "Panther is". Talunas wear tight skins, necklaces made of animal claws, and sometimes gold jewelry. They live in small groups in small thatched huts. Tanzkreise, wie bei den Panther-Mädchen sind bei ihnen nicht bekannt. Talunas verachten Sklavinnen und diese besondere Gruppe, die Tarl traf, hatte eine Gruppe von Pygmäen versklavt. Es gibt wenig Hinweise, wie viele Gruppen von Talunas es gibt und welche Unterschiede zwischen ihnen bestehen.
Auf Northern Woods / Ngao Tal oberhalb des Ngao See leben die Sa San'ng Fori Panther.
Ihre Nähe ist auf Grund der hohen Gefährlichkeit dieses Volkes möglichst zu meiden.
Northern Woods ist eine Rollenspiel-Sim, die auf den Romane von John Norman (dem Gor Zyklus) basiert, diesen jedoch nicht nachspielt. Role play means that you take the role of a character that might be encountered due to the books on Gor. Certain degrees of freedom are possible. Thus, fighters and female Outlaws explicitly desired.
Gorean clothing that matches their own role, is compulsory. Those who are not dressed appropriately, with the IC consequences. Role-play compliant, we advance and share. Slave bells are off. Bling emitting objects or particle matters are to be avoided where possible.
Gorean clothing that matches their own role, is compulsory. Those who are not dressed appropriately, with the IC consequences. Role-play compliant, we advance and share. Slave bells are off. Bling emitting objects or particle matters are to be avoided where possible.
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