Saturday, November 29, 2008
'monica Roccaforte Forum
Advent Greetings from Sydney
at 1 Advent, which has for you in Europe, not yet started to greet you from the beach we Syndey. Yes, if you look closely recognizes that Caro has a small plastic Christmas tree in hand, we have dragged the whole day at the beach with us is being able to do just this photo. Anyway. We even found an ALDI and marzipan stollen purchased. For 1 Advent there is traditionally the first tunnel. This begins the time of arrival. An exciting time. Christmas is and remains a remarkable time because they probably celebrating the most special thing that ever happened: God became man.
Thursday, November 27, 2008
Harvest Mooncheat Visual
Sydney Arrived Opera
Jetzt etwas ganz anderes. Gerade wir Deutschen, die kaum Megakirchen in unserem Land kennen, haben ja unsere Vorurteile gegenüber diesen gigantischen Gemeinden (Zu denen sich die Hillsong-Church ohne weiteres zählen darf: In den meisten der vielen Gottesdiensten von Hillsong sind mehr als 1000 Gottesdienstbesucher). Wir haben hier das Gegenteil von Anonymität, von Nicht-wahrgenommen-werden oder auch von Sich-in-der-Masse-verloren-fühlen erlebt. Grund dafür ist sicherlich kein raffiniertes Konzept, sondern schlicht die Einstellung der Leute. Immer wieder werden wir persönlich angesprochen. Und das ist oft nicht nur ein "Hi, cool das Du da bist. Und Tschüß", sondern wir empfinden wirkliches Interesse an unserem Leben. Das ist beeindruckend.
Today we have the symbol of Sydney looked a bit closer. We are really impressive once around the opera house on the harbor walk. Inside of it, we looked briefly at the price of tickets and were pleasantly surprised that it already gets from 17,50 € a ticket. Then we were spontaneously realtiv. demand short at the box office, we bought two tickets for the afternoon event des Sinfonieorchesters, die fünf Minuten später begann. Es war ein atemberaubendes Erlebnis. Obwohl wir in der letzten Reihe saßen,konnten wir hervorragend sehen und Dank der architektonischen Hochleistung auch alles bestens hören. Ein bisschen peinlich war allerdings Chrilles Outfit: In Flipflops, Shorts und T-shirt kann man wohl auch nur in Sydney in die Philharmonie gehen (Wer will, kann das Kulturbanause nennen).
Jetzt etwas ganz anderes. Gerade wir Deutschen, die kaum Megakirchen in unserem Land kennen, haben ja unsere Vorurteile gegenüber diesen gigantischen Gemeinden (Zu denen sich die Hillsong-Church ohne weiteres zählen darf: In den meisten der vielen Gottesdiensten von Hillsong sind mehr als 1000 Gottesdienstbesucher). Wir haben hier das Gegenteil von Anonymität, von Nicht-wahrgenommen-werden oder auch von Sich-in-der-Masse-verloren-fühlen erlebt. Grund dafür ist sicherlich kein raffiniertes Konzept, sondern schlicht die Einstellung der Leute. Immer wieder werden wir persönlich angesprochen. Und das ist oft nicht nur ein "Hi, cool das Du da bist. Und Tschüß", sondern wir empfinden wirkliches Interesse an unserem Leben. Das ist beeindruckend.
Monday, November 24, 2008
Maysore Maligh Blu Film
Actually yes ... I would With colors of adulterate
... a beautiful story for design studies and write synonyms for empty (fill it?) Found.
Was gibt es noch? Achja, es schneit in Münster. Schön.
Und ich brauche mehr Räucherstäbchen zum kreativen Arbeiten. Und dunkle Schokolade.
Übrigens ist noch etwas Wein im Kühlschrank, hoffentlich kommen mal wieder gemeinsame abendliche/ nächtliche Zeichensessions mit Wein und Pizza zustande!
So, jetzt sind die Handschuhe dran...
... a beautiful story for design studies and write synonyms for empty (fill it?) Found.
latter I was going to make much, much better, but first comes the task of turn of the penultimate week. But before must noch das Innenfutter meiner Handschuhe festgenäht werden, denn morgen werden die wieder gebraucht...und ich hätte so Lust, mal was ordentliches und sinnvolles für cafepress zu machen.
Und nebenbei wird noch gegessen - Sauerkraut mit Quark und Vollkornbrot. Mmmmmh! Aber mehr ist im Moment nicht im Kühlschrank und am Wochende durfte ich mich von Brot ääh und Brot und Dosentomaten mit Couscous ernähren. Ja, ja, die faulen Studenten... Vielleicht werde ich hier auch eine Rezeptecke einrichten und berichten, wie man aus Harzerkäse, Tomatenmark und Couscous etwas leckeres zaubert.
Und nebenbei wird noch gegessen - Sauerkraut mit Quark und Vollkornbrot. Mmmmmh! Aber mehr ist im Moment nicht im Kühlschrank und am Wochende durfte ich mich von Brot ääh und Brot und Dosentomaten mit Couscous ernähren. Ja, ja, die faulen Studenten... Vielleicht werde ich hier auch eine Rezeptecke einrichten und berichten, wie man aus Harzerkäse, Tomatenmark und Couscous etwas leckeres zaubert.
Was gibt es noch? Achja, es schneit in Münster. Schön.
Und ich brauche mehr Räucherstäbchen zum kreativen Arbeiten. Und dunkle Schokolade.
Übrigens ist noch etwas Wein im Kühlschrank, hoffentlich kommen mal wieder gemeinsame abendliche/ nächtliche Zeichensessions mit Wein und Pizza zustande!
So, jetzt sind die Handschuhe dran...
Sunday, November 23, 2008
Kitchenaid Blenders Toronto Outlet
pure in Sydney
Now we have our home again come a step closer. If even a small one. The flight from Christchurch to Sydney was short and sweet. This time I was not incurred in traveling with a dog as it was in New Zealand. Just before the landing time I had a few Mueslieriegel in my backpack. The dog had smelled the customs of the luggage belt and I jumped immediately. Anyone who knows my love for dogs, knows how much I enjoyed about this .... I Greet After I explained to the officer that I no longer bolt in the bag and had left the plane, everything was fine again. Yes, the Quarantaenevorschriften are very strict. In Australia. So Caro came to enjoy that your hiking boots were cleaned by the Australian Quarantaenebeamten personally. He was a bit too much New Zealand soil in their boots, which could possibly bring diseases or bacteria. What a service. In Come
we are in a flat in Sydney Bibelschuelerinnen of the Hillsong College. And so we are talking about what has occupied us in the last two days very much: The Hillsong Church. Within 48 hours Australia, we were already in 3 worship services (Overall, I think are about 10 instead of on a weekend). Is very much up inspirational, encouraging and challenge. Of course, we also have our own ideas and ideas so that we will one or the other somewhat critical view. Particularly exciting is probably the naturalness with which most people here live their faith and make. In Europe, Hill song is predominantly for the music and the constantly new worship songs known. This is also reflected in their services again. When I went into the first service, we arrived a little late to the worship band (about 30 people, including small choir) were already on the rock, I immediately thought: Yes, I never imagined Hillsong presented. Well, what I really want to say to reduce it would be wrong Hillsong. The community is awesome (I know, it also has cosmic resources that would allow efficient). For example, the community are the people around them and this city at the very heart. There are numerous projects and initiatives that embody the love of God to the people in a very practical and helpful way. The work that makes this community and lives above all, is phenomenal. Maybe later I write again something more concrete. Only short
indicative: the Hillsong congregation is split between two campuses. There is one here in downtown, where we were so far only, and there is a in the Hills, more like a suburb of Sydney. However, both locations of the community together. All pastors preach alternately in the places, the communities through video transferences or services linked together. You try, despite the enormous size and the different places the to preserve unity and to stop any competition between the "sub-municipalities."
Again, we are approached by many, presented and very friendly. The best is, therefore, that Hillsong so no abstract Phänomän for us. But people, people with whom we have been able to talk much about their community. Ask questions, listen, be inspired, and if it fits, even questioning something.
If our first impression.
Now we have our home again come a step closer. If even a small one. The flight from Christchurch to Sydney was short and sweet. This time I was not incurred in traveling with a dog as it was in New Zealand. Just before the landing time I had a few Mueslieriegel in my backpack. The dog had smelled the customs of the luggage belt and I jumped immediately. Anyone who knows my love for dogs, knows how much I enjoyed about this .... I Greet After I explained to the officer that I no longer bolt in the bag and had left the plane, everything was fine again. Yes, the Quarantaenevorschriften are very strict. In Australia. So Caro came to enjoy that your hiking boots were cleaned by the Australian Quarantaenebeamten personally. He was a bit too much New Zealand soil in their boots, which could possibly bring diseases or bacteria. What a service. In Come
we are in a flat in Sydney Bibelschuelerinnen of the Hillsong College. And so we are talking about what has occupied us in the last two days very much: The Hillsong Church. Within 48 hours Australia, we were already in 3 worship services (Overall, I think are about 10 instead of on a weekend). Is very much up inspirational, encouraging and challenge. Of course, we also have our own ideas and ideas so that we will one or the other somewhat critical view. Particularly exciting is probably the naturalness with which most people here live their faith and make. In Europe, Hill song is predominantly for the music and the constantly new worship songs known. This is also reflected in their services again. When I went into the first service, we arrived a little late to the worship band (about 30 people, including small choir) were already on the rock, I immediately thought: Yes, I never imagined Hillsong presented. Well, what I really want to say to reduce it would be wrong Hillsong. The community is awesome (I know, it also has cosmic resources that would allow efficient). For example, the community are the people around them and this city at the very heart. There are numerous projects and initiatives that embody the love of God to the people in a very practical and helpful way. The work that makes this community and lives above all, is phenomenal. Maybe later I write again something more concrete. Only short
indicative: the Hillsong congregation is split between two campuses. There is one here in downtown, where we were so far only, and there is a in the Hills, more like a suburb of Sydney. However, both locations of the community together. All pastors preach alternately in the places, the communities through video transferences or services linked together. You try, despite the enormous size and the different places the to preserve unity and to stop any competition between the "sub-municipalities."
Again, we are approached by many, presented and very friendly. The best is, therefore, that Hillsong so no abstract Phänomän for us. But people, people with whom we have been able to talk much about their community. Ask questions, listen, be inspired, and if it fits, even questioning something.
If our first impression.
Friday, November 21, 2008
Lm15n5dvd Power Socket
bye Zealand
this country we both really close to my heart. Shame we have to work out. We are truly grateful for the time we could spend here. Simply fantastic. Tomorrow morning at seven clock, it goes on to Sydney. Duane, unser Gastgeber, will uns die Taxikosten ersparen und faehrt uns um halb fuenf zum Flughafen. Unglaublich, diese Neuseelaender. In Sydney werden wir Dennis treffen, den wir durch Chrilles Sieben-Wochen-Praktikum in der Gemeinde in Herten kennengelernt haben. Er ist zur Zeit auf dem Hillsong-College. Jetzt wird noch kurz gepackt und dann hoffen wir noch ein bisschen Schlaf zu bekommen.
Noch eine Kleinigkeit, die uns besonders hier in Christchurch aufgefallen ist und uns beeindruckt hat:
Waehrend wir inzwischen mehrmals mit dem Stadtbus durch die Stadt gefahren sind, konnten wir beobachten, dass die meisten Leute, die den Bus verlassen, sich mit einem kurzen "Thank's Busdriver", "Thank you" oder "Cheers" beim Busfahrer/ bei der Busfahrerin . Thank you No, not just when they get out in front, even if they get back, they call it by the bus forward. The penitents then thanks also for passengers. A small gesture that impression on us.
this country we both really close to my heart. Shame we have to work out. We are truly grateful for the time we could spend here. Simply fantastic. Tomorrow morning at seven clock, it goes on to Sydney. Duane, unser Gastgeber, will uns die Taxikosten ersparen und faehrt uns um halb fuenf zum Flughafen. Unglaublich, diese Neuseelaender. In Sydney werden wir Dennis treffen, den wir durch Chrilles Sieben-Wochen-Praktikum in der Gemeinde in Herten kennengelernt haben. Er ist zur Zeit auf dem Hillsong-College. Jetzt wird noch kurz gepackt und dann hoffen wir noch ein bisschen Schlaf zu bekommen.
Noch eine Kleinigkeit, die uns besonders hier in Christchurch aufgefallen ist und uns beeindruckt hat:
Waehrend wir inzwischen mehrmals mit dem Stadtbus durch die Stadt gefahren sind, konnten wir beobachten, dass die meisten Leute, die den Bus verlassen, sich mit einem kurzen "Thank's Busdriver", "Thank you" oder "Cheers" beim Busfahrer/ bei der Busfahrerin . Thank you No, not just when they get out in front, even if they get back, they call it by the bus forward. The penitents then thanks also for passengers. A small gesture that impression on us.
Wednesday, November 19, 2008
What Colour Are Warts
We are good in Christchurch, arrived the "capital" of the South Island (By the way:.. From the four million inhabitants of New Zealand, only one million live on the South Island which live more than 350 000 alone in Christchurch so you can imagine, how lonely it is sometimes in rural areas). Last night, we have to by our beloved home, the Jucy Camper adopt. We are grateful to God from the heart that we are no big problems with the Car had, they are in no accident, and have survived and all the roads unsafe. Now we are
for two days at Duane, we have met through the Hospitality Club. He gave us welcomed into his small house, so we feel very comfortable and welcome. Now we make ourselves right on the way to inquire Christchurch. Unlike Europe, the history of most cities is relatively young. Christchurch is sometimes just over 150 years old. But the stories about the settlement time, which we know even less in Germany, are very exciting.
At breakfast I have just the game Germany: England followed on the live ticker. It's always a prestige duel, when these two Nations come together (even if it was only a friendly game). Therefore, it is a pity that we lost. But who were all the names that stood with us on the square. I am sometimes just two months away, and know only half of the players ...
We are good in Christchurch, arrived the "capital" of the South Island (By the way:.. From the four million inhabitants of New Zealand, only one million live on the South Island which live more than 350 000 alone in Christchurch so you can imagine, how lonely it is sometimes in rural areas). Last night, we have to by our beloved home, the Jucy Camper adopt. We are grateful to God from the heart that we are no big problems with the Car had, they are in no accident, and have survived and all the roads unsafe. Now we are
for two days at Duane, we have met through the Hospitality Club. He gave us welcomed into his small house, so we feel very comfortable and welcome. Now we make ourselves right on the way to inquire Christchurch. Unlike Europe, the history of most cities is relatively young. Christchurch is sometimes just over 150 years old. But the stories about the settlement time, which we know even less in Germany, are very exciting.
At breakfast I have just the game Germany: England followed on the live ticker. It's always a prestige duel, when these two Nations come together (even if it was only a friendly game). Therefore, it is a pity that we lost. But who were all the names that stood with us on the square. I am sometimes just two months away, and know only half of the players ...
Sunday, November 16, 2008
Does A Purple Dress Shirt Go With Black Pants
yesterday after the service (an open-air ecumenical church service), we were approached by a nice family and invited to lunch. From the lunch was drinking coffee, a tour and a dinner. And finally we stayed still overnight (in a real bed). Therefore, we have finally the chance to show again some photos.
yesterday after the service (an open-air ecumenical church service), we were approached by a nice family and invited to lunch. From the lunch was drinking coffee, a tour and a dinner. And finally we stayed still overnight (in a real bed). Therefore, we have finally the chance to show again some photos.
we are now almost arrived at our final stop Christchurch. Also wir, die wir das Meer eigentlich ueber alles lieben, wurden ergriffen von der Schoenheit und Eindruecklichkeit der Berge. Ach ja, und Bekanntschaft mit dem neuseelaendischen ADAC haben wir inzwischen auch gemacht (Der Unterschied zur deutschen Variante ist, dass man Geld vorschiessen muss, das bei eigenem Verschulden z.B. leere Batterie wegen Licht anlassen die Kosten deckt. Unser Schaden war relativ zuegig behoben und nicht von uns verschuldet, daher haben wir sofort unser Geld zurueck bekommen).
Kayakfahren im Abel Tasman Nationalpark. Kayak fahren ist cooler als Kanu fahren, denn man ist viel schneller.
Fantastic views over Lake Wanaka from the Southern Alps with palm trees in the foreground.
hygiene must be - Caro when washing hair.
The highest mountain in Australasia: The Mount Cook.
We are the New Zealanders well ahead in development!
joke. Chrille am chatting with a few crazy New Zealand, the dress once a year in the Victorian style. It is a little as if an entire city eine Mottoparty feiert, man selber aber nichts davon wusste und voellig underdressed auf der Party erscheint.
Das ist Urlaub! Besonders das Marshmelloweis ist sehr zu empfehlen.
Einer von den vielen traumhaften Wasserfaellen hier in Neuseeland.
Chrille rennt die steilste Strasse der Welt in Dunedin hoch (Wer es nicht glaubt: Nachschauen im Guinessbuch).
Unsere dreitaegige Wanderung auf dem Routeburntrack.
Our accommodation.
coffee break in the Lake Wanaka.
Monday, November 10, 2008
30th Birthday Invite Wording Funny
throughout the South
So, it's time again to give a sign of life, and to report from our well-being. While we should so soon have summer, we had this year, probably sooner than your snow in Europe. For a small winter has surprised us in the last days. With snow and frost may then have a bit chilly at night are in the car. But we have survived it. The advantage of the snow we have then three days of our hike enjoyed in the so-called Routeburn Track in Fiordland National Park. When moving from lodge to lodge, the alpine atmosphere was even more beautiful in the snow of course. The heavy wear around the untensils and the cramps were rewarded with a relaxing evening sitting around the stove and a wonderful silence in the mountains.
the famous Milford Sound, we have seen in another special way. Completely worn vergregnet we could not see the peaks, but for Created out of nowhere, hundreds (not exaggerated) of waterfalls that plunged the steep cliffs down. Very very impressive.
are now all in the south (Invercargill) and make us gradually towards Christchurch. Now and then you get something of the political world events with. But the great details and background information, we will probably find only in Germany. end
So, it's time again to give a sign of life, and to report from our well-being. While we should so soon have summer, we had this year, probably sooner than your snow in Europe. For a small winter has surprised us in the last days. With snow and frost may then have a bit chilly at night are in the car. But we have survived it. The advantage of the snow we have then three days of our hike enjoyed in the so-called Routeburn Track in Fiordland National Park. When moving from lodge to lodge, the alpine atmosphere was even more beautiful in the snow of course. The heavy wear around the untensils and the cramps were rewarded with a relaxing evening sitting around the stove and a wonderful silence in the mountains.
the famous Milford Sound, we have seen in another special way. Completely worn vergregnet we could not see the peaks, but for Created out of nowhere, hundreds (not exaggerated) of waterfalls that plunged the steep cliffs down. Very very impressive.
are now all in the south (Invercargill) and make us gradually towards Christchurch. Now and then you get something of the political world events with. But the great details and background information, we will probably find only in Germany. end
Friday, November 7, 2008
Which P90x Disc Do I Start With For Lean
Das Blöde an einem Blog ist, dass man immer was schreiben muss. Natürlich schön formuliert. Arrrgh.
Lieber spiele ich mit Farben rum und mache irgendwas mit html - ob für diesen Blog, cafepress, livejournal oder sonstwo. Jeder Fachmann würde sich die Haare raufen, wenn er das Chaos in meinen Dateien sehen würde.
Oh, und wir waren heute busy drawing again, first at the Fh, then the Café Malik.
In the Fh we had set ourselves only to the staircase on the hot heating, as the caretaker apparently afraid that we would demolish him his nice tidy rooms for student portfolio review ... just.
Wednesday, November 5, 2008
Soluciones Electric Box Level 19
A new beginning
So now I'm here. Word Press has just made me so mad! The old entries I will probably copy here.
So now I'm here. Word Press has just made me so mad! The old entries I will probably copy here.
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