children's leisure in Jardelund
I had forgotten how nice it is. As a child I was often present in children's camps on Klattis farm. Then I eventually dragged myself to Jardelund times and was at 17 employees leisure. Now 10 years later I was finally back again. Every morning I took the kids a winner under the microscope. That was exciting. The uniqueness of the Arts was that we had many children from Westerland here who come from socially weak and problematic family backgrounds. The Youth Office has made it possible to come along that they could. Granted, they were not always easy, and have challenged desöfteren me too, me very involved with them and be patient. But then when I can look back at the end of the week to events and stories with the children, where I noticed the kids are a little further and become happier in life, then that is a blessing.
The classic tractor ride and the trip to Summerland-Syd could not be missed. One child I must have encouraged too much: I've more or less persuaded by them go to the King-Kong carousel. Just before the last round it was too much: The breakfast came up and covered the floor of the carousel. That I was really sorry. But as children are, after 5 minutes of rest and a hearty swig from the bottle of water it went.
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