Monday, August 4, 2008

Epididymitis Testosterone

dive deeper

Since yesterday evening I'm back from the World Youth Meeting of the Baptists in Leipzig. Exhausted, but satisfied with lasting impressions I am back in Elstal. Over 6000 young people from over 85 different countries gathered to dip deeper together in community and faith. Succeeded. Brilliant encounter extremely fun (we had on our little "crazy stage" in the Sports & Fun Park, on which we have every day crazy games played with the young people) and impressive times in which we celebrate God together and listen to his word have.
highlight for me was the evening with Shane Claiborne (perhaps known for his book: I must be crazy to live like that). Very moving and provocative, he has challenged us to go deeper into the justice of God when his heart's desire for this world. Shane lives themselves, inspired by an internship with Mother Teresa, a very alternative lifestyle in Philadelphia. Here one of his many small sample stories: Inspired by the idea of unity and equality, have arranged to meet at the U.S. border with Mexico on both sides of Christians on the Internet (the two countries are separated by a very steng guarded and powerful barrier at each other). Together, the Christians wanted to celebrate the U.S. and Mexican service. And so they met together at the border fence: on one side of the Christians from the U.S. and on the other hand, from Mexico. Despite the separation of the huge fence they celebrated together worship. Even the sacrament they have in common shared, where they threw the bread over the fence .... This image has stuck in my head. A picture that makes clear that there are human limits, but we still can not stop to realize God's thoughts about life and justice.


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