The National Palace Museum in Taipei is the largest art collection of Chinese imperial dynasties from the 10th Century from the Imperial Palace in Beijing kept and exhibited. The Taipei National Palace Museum is a paradise for museum lovers.
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National Palace Museum |
National Palace Museum
the margins of the young capital Taipei is the monumental magnificent building of the National Palace Museum. Click to store the imperial collections, gifts from family or possession of collectors and acquisitions.
The treasure is so great that the inventory took two years. End of January 2010 included the entire collection of 677,687 objects. Of this 608 985 cultural objects from China.
To the entire Schätze anzusehen, brauchte man 10 Jahre! Allein die Kataloge der bisherigen Ausstellungen nehmen ein mittelgroßes Zimmer ein.
Der überwiegende Teil der Sammlungen aus fünf Jahrtausenden ist in den Bergen hinter dem 1965 eröffneten Museum in einem unterirdischen Labyrinth von Höhlen und Stollen geschützt eingelagert. Sicher vor Erdbeben, Bränden, Überflutungen, Insekten, Zerfall und vor drohenden Angriffen von außen.
Sammlungen im Nationalen Palastmuseum Taipeh
Die Sammlung des Nationalen Palastmuseums ist sehr vielfältig. Sie umfasst neolithische Jade und prähistorische Töpferei, kostbare Bronze aus der Shang- und Zhou-Dynastie, ancient musical instruments, chimes, sandalwood furniture, Buddha sculptures in gilt bronze, rare paintings and calligraphy from the Tang, Sung and Yuan dynasty, valuable books, scrolls, lacquer carvings, exquisite pottery, porcelain, enamel, jewelry, textiles, miniatures, religious cult objects and curiosities. Exquisite contemporary documents, which has resulted in the Chinese civilization.
exhibition groups in the National Palace Museum Taipei
Bronzen: 6,044 | Gemälde: 5,290 |
Keramik: 25,479 | Kalligrafien: 3,054 |
Jadeobjekte: 12,104 | Kalligrafische Modellbücher: 474 |
Lackwaren: 707 | Wirkereien und Stickereien: 306 |
Cloissoné: 2,510 | Fächer: 1,651 |
Schnitzereien: 652 | Seltene Bücher: 198,464 |
Schreibutensilien : 2,379 | Archivalische Ch'ing-Dokumente: 386,729 |
Münzen: 6,953 | Mandschurische, mongoliche und tibetische Dokumente: 11,501 |
Verschiedenes: 12,347 | Abreibungen: 895 |
Textilien: 148 | |
Quelle: National Palace Museum in Taipei
Nationales Palastmuseum Peking
Die Sammlung wurde Kaiser Taizong im 10. Jahrhundert begonnen. Der stetig wachsende Schatz war bis zum Sturz der Ching-Dynastie durch die Xinhai-Revolution 1911 and the founding of the Republic of China "in 1912, only the emperor and his retinue reserved.
opened after the expulsion of the last emperor Puyi from the Forbidden City in 1925 the newly founded National Palace Museum of Beijing for the first time its doors to the people.
1927 installed General Chiang Kai-shek, a National Government in Nanking, and left in 1928 after he had conquered Beijing, the president of the "Republic of China" option.
Japan conquered Manchuria in 1931 and set up puppet state of Manchukuo in 1932 with Pu Yi as the last emperor of China. In 1937, the Japanese one other parts of China. It was the second Sino-Japanese War.
odyssey of Chinese art treasures
Now began the odyssey of the most precious treasures of China, which seems not completed until today.
The National Government of Chiang Kai-shek, fearing that the treasures of the Palace Museum Beijing could fall into the hands of the Japanese. They packed the most valuable parts in five trains running from Beijing to Nanjing and from there to Shanghai. approached
When the Japanese Shanghai, the works of art were transported in 20,000 wooden crates over mountains and rivers in the inland provinces of Sichuan and Guizhou. Thousands of cases survived the fighting in a remote hideout in the village on a steamboat near Emei and Chung King.
1947, two years after Japan's surrender, was taken by the Chinese treasure back to Nanking. It was the then capital of Chiang Kai-shek's Chinese Nationalist Party (Kuomintang). But with the civil war between Nationalists and Communists, the Communists moved to the south.
subject to the end of 1949 and the Nationalists fled to Taiwan. The most valuable works of art they took with them, except the Tibetica and some other items that had not yet considered "art."
arrived in Taiwan, the boxes were packed into a warehouse. The exiled government of Chiang Kai-shek lebte im Glauben der baldigen Rückkehr. Mit dem Zusammenbruch des Mao-Regimes wollte sie Festlandchina zurückerobern.
Erst 1965 nahm die abenteuerliche Reise ein vorläufiges Ende. In Waishuangxi, am Rande Taipeis, wurde das National Palace Museum im Stil der chinesischen Palastarchitektur eröffnet.
Die politische Dimension des chinesischen Kaiserschatzes zeigt sich auch darin, dass der Direktor des National Palace Museum automatisch Mitglied des Kabinetts ist.
Die Regierung in Peking fordert wieder und wieder die Herausgabe seines Eigentums und den Verzicht Taiwans auf seine chinesischen Besitztümer aus der Verbotenen Stadt, die dadurch beträchtlich would be enhanced. For a long time so could not leave Taipei's Palace Museum exhibits from the island.
In 1996, an exhibition in Paris was approved only after the French government had guaranteed the return of the exhibits in writing.
Two years later, the National Palace Museum will also exhibit some of its objects under strict regulations in the U.S., after Washington had promised "legal immunity".
The third major international exhibition in 2003 in Germany, with many political obstacles.
An exhibition in Beijing, home of the art treasures, is not however be seen. The heads of the two Palace Museums in Taiwan and China have, however, after political changes agreed on a cooperation. Even the art treasures of the National Palace Museum in Taipei is a valuable symbolic pledge to Taiwan's government.
exhibition schedule of the Taipei National Palace Museum
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Museum Plan National Palace Museum Taipei, Source: National Palace Museum |
exhibition building | daily year round von 8.30 Uhr bis 18.30 Uhr geöffnet. Abendliche Öffnung: Samstags 18.30-20.30 Uhr, Eintritt frei. |
Bücherei | m 2.bis 4. Stock des Büchereigebäudes untergebracht. Montags bis samstags von 9.00 Uhr bis 17.00 Uhr geöffnet, an Sonntagen und nationalen Feiertagen geschlossen. |
Chang Dai-ch'ien Gedächtnis- Haus | Mit Ausnahme nationaler Feiertage montags bis freitags geöffnet. Bitte rufen Sie eine Woche im Voraus unter der Nummer(02)2881-2021(#2683) an oder reichen Sie einen schriftlichen Antrag one to arrange a visit. |
Chih-shan Garden | open Tuesday to Sunday from 7:00 am clock bis 19.00 clock |
Chih-te Garden | Admission free |
Children's Art Centre | daily year round from 8:30 clock open to 18:30 clock. Evening Opening: Saturday 18:30 to 20:30 clock. closed on Wednesday afternoons. appointment necessary, primarily for children between 7 and 12 years. Admission free. |
Category | admission | groups of people |
normal ticket | NTD 160 | Ordinary visitors |
group ticket | NTD 120 | groups with 10 or more persons, (group tickets cost NT $ 100 per person, plus NT $ 20 * for the rental of the NPM-Audio-Systems) . Note: Everyone who buys a ticket group must rent the NPM-audio system. |
Discount Tickets | NTD 80 | students or students with ID |
Chih-shan Garden | NTD 20 | Please insert coin and enter (However, free on presentation of a NPM ticket that day.) |
free | Admission free |
- The purchase of a ticket entitles the visitor to visit on the day of purchase all exhibitions in the Exhibition I (Main Building) .
- is on the following 5 days in the year of free admission: 1 January, Lantern Festival, 18 May (International Museum Day), 27 September (World Tourism) and 10 October (National Day)
Taiwan tour
visit the National Palace Museum in Taipei Taiwan on a trip or a stopover Taipei. Find out about a Taiwan tour on the homepage combination travel or on the pages in the travel blog Taiwan tour (Reiter). inquiry Taiwan tour
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