Sunday, November 28, 2010

Nebosh Exam Questions 2009

Taipei 101, Taipei Financial Center

lined with 508 meters height, the skyscraper Taipei a 101 in the record hunt for the world's tallest building from 2004-2007 successful. He is a symbol of Taiwan's modern and the combination of Taiwan's history and future. The completion was in 2004. In the same year, the Taipei 101 received the Emporis Skyscraper Award. The Taipei 101 has been one of the seven new wonders of the world (Newsweek, 2006) and Seven Wonders of Engineering (Discovery Channel, 2005).

Taipei skyline with Taipei 101

owner of the Taipei Financial Center

The Taipei 101 is a project that the first joint effort of the Taipei City Government and the private sector forms. It was supported by 11 companies in the Taipei Financial Center (TFC) Corp., die für Landentwicklung, Planung, Implementierung, Betrieb und Management des Projekts verantwortlich war bzw. ist. Die Aktionäre sind 14 namhafte taiwanesische Unternehmen.

Architekten des Taipei 101

Die Architektur stammt von Chang Yong Lee & Partners aus Taipeh. Sie planten den Taipei 101 als den höchsten Wolkenkratzer der Welt in einem erdbebengefährdeten Gebiet. Burdsch Chalifa in den Emiraten (heute das höchste Gebäude), Petronas Twin Towers in Kuala Lumpur, Jinmao Tower in Shanghai- das 21. Jahrhundert ist eine expansive Phase für außergewöhnliche Wolkenkratzer und einzigartige technische Meisterleistungen.


Inspired by the Chinese pagoda shaped temple construction in the skyscraper was built like a bamboo. Eight sections inserted into one another effect that the high buildings in the wind like bamboo bends without breaking, a requirement of civil protection and prevention of wind damage.

Since all eight sections represent an autonomous space, wind effects are eliminated on the surface. The design ensures the safety of pedestrians, yet comfortable.

seven degrees inward inclined to take the structure in size in height. The transparent and not reflective facades are energy efficient and heat reflective.

high-tech materials and innovative lighting create a see-through effect with transparency and clarity.

Feng Shui principles

Taipei 101, source: Wikipedia
ornaments and design have been influenced by the Feng Shui philosophy. In Chinese culture with wealth, prosperity and happiness associated lucky number is 8 to see how the Jinmao Tower in Shanghai. The main tower has eight segments of eight floors. The number eight symbolizes a renewal of time. Oversized Coins on the facade symbolize wealth.

A well at the eastern entrance to prevent a potential exodus of positive energy. Running water to the rescue by a positive flow of energy (Chi). The fountain is a traditional solution with a modern design.

tradition and modernity

The Taipei 101 in Taiwan presents duality of the modern and ancient traditions, modern architecture, closely related to Taiwan's past, creating a unique and unsurpassed work of art in the world.

The highest "green skyscraper in the world

The Owners recently invested $ 1,900,000 for a green makeover. The redevelopment will take 18 months and heating, cooling, ventilation system upgrades and concern.

rainwater to use in the toilets. Conventional light bulbs and tubes are replaced with energy efficient light fittings. The emission of greenhouse gases is reduced. The buildings are more restaurants use locally produced food.

are total financial savings from the "green change" of an estimated $ 600,000 per year are planned, for example, 10 percent of current annual electricity costs.

Die grüne Upgrades werden von Engineering-Riesen Siemens, Umwelt-Management-Unternehmen EcoTech International Group und Interior Design Beratung Die Steven Leach-Gruppe durchgeführt.

Die Taipei Financial Center (TFC) Corp. strebt an, eine LEED-Zertifizierung des US Green Building Council zu erhalten. Das Gebäude hat bereits ein Recycling-Programm, Grauwasser-Recycling-System und eine doppelt verglaste Glaswand.

Das Taipei 101 Management-Team möchte den Taipei 101 als ein Symbol der Green-Building-Industrie in Taiwan und das "weltweit höchste Green Building" etablieren.

Die Herausforderung

Der Taipei 101 steht genau an der Philippinischen und Eurasische Kontinentalplatte. Das bedeutet bis zu 40.000 Erdbeben pro Jahr. Am 31.03.2002 musste der Rohbau ein Erdbeben der Stärke 6,9 auf der Richterskala überstehen. Die Baukräne kippten um, es kamen 7 Menschen ums Leben, der Wolkenkratzer blieb stehen. Nach dem Erdbeben wurde die Statik des Gebäudes überprüft. Da keine Schäden erkennbar waren, wurde der Bau planmäßig fortgesetzt. Auch die drei bis vier Taifune im Jahr konnten dem Taipei 101 bisher nicht schaden.


101 Stockwerke stehen über dem Boden, fünf Stockwerke unter der Erde. Der Name des Turms Taipei 101 reflektiert seine Etagen und trägt symbolische Bedeutung in Anspielung auf Technologie und Asian tradition. The official name of the tall Taipei Financial Center.

remembers the height of 101 stories on the renewal of time: the new century in which the tower was built and all the nine following years (January 1 = 1.1). The 101 symbolizes high ideals and is a traditional number of perfection.


The construction period lasted from 1999 to 2005.

Technical data of the Taipei 101

  • Construction began in 1999
  • inauguration 31/12/2004
  • height: 509 feet (527 meters with antenna)
  • Stories: 101
  • Untergeschosse: 5
  • Aufzüge: 63
  • Baukosten: ca. 1,6 Milliarden Euro
  • Site Area: 30.277 Quadratmeter
  • Bruttogeschossfläche: 374.219,95 Quadratmeter
  • Mall Floor Area: 185.806,51 Quadratmeter
  • Tower Floor Area: 88.413,44 Quadratmeter
  • Parkplätze: 1.800


Ein weltweit einzigartiges Tilgerpendel zwischen dem 88. und 92. Stockwerk gleicht die Schwingungen des Wolkenkratzers aus.


The fastest elevator in the world racing at 16.8 meters per second up to 10 meters per second from bottom. That's a world record, not already surpassed. It takes only 39 seconds to the 89th Floor to achieve.

land use

The lower floors of the building used for public service provision and parking. On floors 1-6 are shops and recreational facilities.

offices on floors seven to 84 The floors 86-88 contain restaurants. Telecommunications facilities are located on floors 92 to 100 The floors 89, 91 and 101 serve as a viewing platform.


signed in February 2005, the Taiwan Stock Exchange Corporation a contract with the Taipei Financial Center (TFC) Corp.. On 18 April, the Bayer Group has signed as the first transcontinental company a lease. Winterthur Insurance Group, ABN AMRO Bank and GOOGLE followed. With the growing interest of global companies in the Taipei 101 has proven to be a symbol of Taiwan's economic progress.

world class

The Taipei 101 is not only world class in terms of construction and hardware, but also in software for operation und Verwaltung. Für Bauplanung, Statik, Konstruktion, Betrieb und Management wurden die weltweit mächtigsten internationalen Teams einbezogen. Talent und Technik aus dem Ausland wurden zusammen gebracht, um die lokale Bauwirtschaft zu stärken und Visionen im internationalen Wolkenkratzerbau umzusetzen.

Standort Hsinyi Bezirk

Das umfassende Strukturkonzept hat zahlreiche Unternehmen in den Hsinyi Bezirk gezogen und ließ ein neues Stadtzentrum entstehen, dessen Zentrum der Taipei 101 ist. Der Bezirk verfügt über große Boulevards, Landschaftsparks und eine schöne Aussicht auf die Berge. Es ist eine der lebenswertesten Umgebungen in Taipeh.

Rund 30 öffentliche Bus lines pass through the Taipei 101 entrance. The building offers 1,800 parking spaces and 7,000 additional rooms for a ten minute walk.

89th Floor

offers to 382 meters above the bottom of the 89th observation Floor to its visitors an impressive view over the city and the Taipei Basin in all directions. The platform is equipped with high-performance binoculars equipped audio guides in seven languages, souvenir shops, very valuable offers jewelry (jade, coral, precious stones), drink bar and image services.

91F outdoor observatory

Die Outdoor-Observatorium ist nur zu bestimmten Anlässen und bei schönem Wetter geöffnet. Die Outdoor-Sternwarte, zugänglich von der 89. Etage über eine Treppe, bietet ein völlig anderes Seherlebnis und lässt den Wind und die Schwankungen des Wolkenkratzers spüren.

Taipei 101 Mall

Taiwans führende internationale Shopping-Destination, die Taipei 101 Mall, wurde auf mehreren Etagen Mieterin. Luxusgüter, exquisite Mode aller bekannten Marken und eine feine Küche haben ihren Stammplatz gefunden.

Im Cafe Amadeus Wien  kann man einen Amadeus Kaffee, many ice creams, baked the black bread and a small selection of traditional Viennese cake enjoy.

Taipei Travel

Visit the Taipei 101 on a Taipei travel. Find out about a Taipei travel on the homepage combination travel or on the pages in the travel blog Taiwan tour (Reiter). request Taipei Travel

Saturday, November 27, 2010 Where?

Taipei International Flora Expo, flower show, plant fair, flower show

The Taipei International Flora Expo opened on 6 November 2010 its doors. The international flower exhibition can Taiwan's capital to 25 April 2011 bloom, and even more beautiful . Appear The Flower Fair is worth because of their orientation and the participation of world-class gardeners and florists, not only for flower lovers a Taiwan travel or a stopover Taipei .

Taipei International Flora Expo, Booth Singapore
rivers, flowers, new horizons

This is the motto of the Expo. On both banks of the Jilong River, Taiwan's capital city presents its best side. Exactly where, fifteen years ago the river is a dump was. In an exhibition area of over 91.3 hectares visitors can marvel at the international horticulture and flowers.

Taipei International Flora Expo

Taipei Flora Expo, Booth Taiwan
the international flower exhibition will be held at 39 on international exhibitors, more than 70 unique exhibition groups in 14 Pavilion with 32 million specimens in the Yuanshan Park, Taipei Fine Arts Park, Xinsheng Park and Da-jia Riverside Park instead.

Since 2004, Taiwan Member of the International Association of Horticultural Producers (AIPH), which was founded in 1948 in Switzerland.

In April 2006, the Taipei City Government, together with the Taiwan Floriculture Development Association (tfdA) recognition of the international community and was selected as host the seventh city of the Flora Expo 2010/11.

Unlike flower shows in Chiang Mai and other cities, the Taipei International Flora Expo, the city refers to as a response to people's desire for a more urban green space. The maps and plans of the Taipei Expo are part of the urban renewal concept that the sins of the past urban überwinden soll.

International Indoor Floriculture Exhibition, Stand Taiwan

Weltklasse-Gärtner und Floristen präsentieren ihre Meisterwerke mit einer Vielzahl von neuen Blumen, Pflanzmethoden und Landschaftsbau-Materialien.

Jede Ausstellung ist mit dem kulturellen Charme des jeweiligen teilnehmenden Landes durchdrungen und bietet einzigartige florale Kunst- und Landschaft-Display-Techniken, Schönheit und Innovation der floralen Extravaganz auf internationaler Bühne.

International Indoor Floriculture Exhibition and Competition

Taipei International Flora Expo, Hong Kong Booth
excel particularly in the International Indoor Floriculture Exhibition and Competition, the international florist with unique positions Blumenau, flower and plant arrangements.

Stands from Singapore, Taiwan, Shanghai, Hong Kong and Thailand stand out.

The first prize was awarded by the way the state of Singapore (first figure).


orchids, the flower of the heart "meeting with their fragrance the Expo Dome and Pavilion of Future.

On the Flora Expo 800-1000 orchids are shown. The abundance is overwhelming. A dream of a show in purple, white, yellow and many other colors!

The diversity, breeding and marketing of Taiwan's orchids are unique in the world. Taiwan provides a third of the way, orchids on the world market.

Green technologies

Eco Arc Pavilion
Another theme is green technology. Like a glittering spaceship is dominated by the "Eco Arc pavilion with 30 meters all the other pavilions at the Expo site.

To emphasize the concept of environmental protection, a special building was chosen.
empty bottles as walls
1.5 million empty plastic bottles, the walls and defy the last major typhoon.

The canister-shaped plastic building blocks let the sunlight in the 3700-square-foot building seem.

solar cells provide electricity, a curtain of rain water evaporation ersetzt die Klimaanlage.

Solarpanele sorgen für Strom
Nun soll die Technik auch im normalen Hausbau angewandt werden.

Mit der "Eco Ark" und anderen Null-Energie-Pavillons will sich Taipeh als asiatischer Vorreiter in Sachen Grüner Technologie und Umweltschutz präsentieren und zeigen, wie andere Metropolen ihre Umweltprobleme lösen könnten.  

Übrigens stehen emissionslose Fahrzeuge, kostenlose Busse und Shuttle bereit, um die Parks zu erkunden und zu bestaunen.

exhibition concepts

The exhibition dedicated to the achievements of horticulture, environmental science and technology, based on three basic design concepts to the various possibilities in the field of horticulture highlighted:
  • the essence of gardening, science and environmental protection technology
  • promote reducing, reusing and recycling reach
  • culture and art combine as part of an environmentally friendly lifestyle.
also informed about the Expo the 14 tribes of indigenous people and offers a variety of stalls selling souvenirs, art and cuisine of the regions of Taiwan. For garden lovers, there are seeds, for gourmets the diversity of international cuisines.
Flora Expo Display Area Information

more information and detailed maps, visit the official website

logo of the Taipei International Flora Expo

The logo should be a "Dance of the Petals" and symbolize celebrations and shared values. Designers from Taiwan, Hong Kong, Macau, Europe, Japan and the United States attended the two-month competition. There were 1669 entries.

The Expo logo provides five simple design leaves you dar. symbolize various human activities. Each of the five colors - blue, green, red, orange and purple - represents a continent.

The five petals combine in an abstract form of dancing people. The bright colors indicate the serene atmosphere that characterize the Flora Expo.

Expo mascot
Taipei International Flora Expo Maskottcehn
The Expo's mascot is inspired by fairies of the seasons. They symbolize the harmony of the four seasons and the rhythm of nature. Because Taiwan does bloom in each season different flowers. The fifth flower fairy stands for love.

EVA AIR official partner of the Taipei International Flora Expo

EVA AIR lässt Sie das blühende Taipeh erleben. Denn EVA AIR ist als offizieller Carrier für die internationale Pflanzen-Ausstellung 2010/2011 von der Stadt Taipeh ausgewählt worden.

Der ausgezeichnete Service, die herausragende Sicherheitsstatistik ebenso wie das internationale Netzwerk der Airline waren ausschlaggebend für die Wahl von EVA AIR zum offiziellen Partner der „Flora Expo“.

EVA AIR wird nicht nur spezielle „Flora Expo“-Tarife für Passagier- und Frachtflüge anbieten, sondern auch die Kabinen ihrer Airbusse 330-200 mit einem eigenen „Flora Expo“- Design ausstatten.

Unter dem Motto „Blühen für die Welt“ Flowers are the boarding passes and luggage tags by EVA AIR and the headrests of the seats, cups and saucer decorated in the cabin. Eva Air flies from Amsterdam, Vienna and Zurich. We are happy to provide you with the flights to our country benefits.

Tip: Eva Air Elite Class costs only 150 € p. Person more. You will see more leg clearance, excellent service and can Eva Air lounges.

transfer the Taipei International Flora

Not only garden lovers should not miss this event. All tourists in the next Months to plan a trip to Taiwan, should plan a day at the Flora Expo. The exhibition area is located north of the city center and is by public transport and free buses Expo easily accessible. From the MRT station (subway) Minquan West Road (red line), Jiantan (red line) and Songshan Airport (brown line) are shuttle buses to the fairgrounds.

stopover Taipei

Experience the Taipei International Flora Expo. We give you the tickets. Find out about a Taipei Stopover or a Taipei travel to the home page combi travel or on the pages in the travel blog Taipei Stopover (Reiter). request Taipei Stopover you are already planning a visit FLORA EXPO 2011 in India and the Thailand Royal Flora 2011. It takes place from 09/11/2011 to 15/01/2012 held in Chiang Mai.

Where To Find Cornocopia

Taipei 101 pendulum, Tilgerpendel

With the pendulum of Taipei 101 Taipei 101 Tower in Taiwan's capital city since New Years Eve 2004 successfully all mighty forces of nature, such as typhoons and earthquakes defied. To compensate for the enormous fluctuations, structural engineers suspended in 400 meters on a 660 ton heavy ball. Unique and technical masterpiece that you should not miss.

Taipei 101 pendulum

Taipei 101

The Tower of Taipei breaks records. With its 101 floors and 508 meters, the highest tower is in an earthquake zone. The vibration pendulum is the largest and heaviest of its kind in the world. The elevator reached the highest speed and exceeds the Khalifa of Burj Dubai.


Tilgerpendel, including TMD or TMD, are vibration dampers. Tilgerpendel not fastened between two objects, only to have one. The connection to the building is so soft ausgelegt, dass die Masse des Tilgerpendels den Bewegungen des Objekts mit einer gewissen Verzögerung folgt. Bei einer Schwingung des Taipei 101 wird die Verbindung gestreckt und gestaucht. Der damit einher gehende Energieverbrauch wird der Schwingung entzogen. Sie wirkt damit dämpfend.

Extrem hohe Gebäude schwingen wegen des quadratischen Grundrisses nicht nur in eine, sondern in mehrere Richtungen. "Ein Gebäude dieser Höhe und von dieser schlanken Form reagiert sehr empfindlich. Der Effekt des Windes auf eine solche Konstruktion ist so heftig, dass die Leute darin richtig krank werden können." (Jamieson Robinson, Statiker von Motioneering)

Taipei 101 Kugel

The Taipei 101-ball to the fluctuations that occur during earthquakes and typhoons, by 40 percent to compensate. Because of the skyscrapers is at an unsafe place: often shakes the earth. Up to four times per year typhoons sweep with a speed of up to 250 kilometers per hour over Taiwan.

between the 92nd and the 87th Floor, visitors can visit the observation decks, bars or restaurants on the technical work of art up close. With a diameter of 5.50 meters huge, but compared to the total size of the construction of Taipei 101, the gold ball pendant is tiny. Designed by the way she has a Canadian company.

vibration of the pendulum Taipei 101

Taipei 101 ball
moving the building sideways, swinging the ball in the other direction and creates exactly the opposite forces. Thus, the fluctuation of the building is cleared. In normal weather rocks the ball barely noticeable than a few centimeters.

The ball is mounted from 41 flat steel washers. The worst of the panels weighs thirty tons.

Suspended Taipei 101 is the pendulum of steel cables to five inches in diameter. So it tears at a typhoon but not from the anchor to stabilize acht Hydraulik-Zylinder die Kugel von unten. Dadurch kann die Bewegung maximal auf einen Meter begrenzt werden.

Ein 60 Zentimeter dicker Stahlstab an der Kugelunterseite ist zusätzlich in einem Stahlring angebracht, um mit den hydraulischen Stoßdämpfern die Bewegung abzufangen.

Egal, wohin und wie der Wolkenkratzer schwingt, die Trägheit des Taipei 101 Pendel sorgt stets dafür, dass entgegen gesetzte Kräfte auf das Gebäude wirken.

Überwachung des Taipei 101 Pendel aus Kanada

Im Büro von Motioneering im fernen Toronto überwachen die Ingenieure per Computer jede Bewegung des Wolkenkratzers in Taipeh. Per Telemonitoring erfassen sie Strength and frequency of the fluctuations of the pendulum. Unsteamed the house by 60 percent would resonate more strongly.

Taiwan tour

Visit the Taipei 101 Taiwan pendulum on a round trip or a stopover in Taipei. Find out about a Taiwan tour on the homepage combination travel or on the pages in the travel blog Taiwan tour (Reiter). inquiry Taiwan tour

Cervical Mucus In Early Pregnancy Yellow

National Palace Museum in Taipei

The National Palace Museum in Taipei is the largest art collection of Chinese imperial dynasties from the 10th Century from the Imperial Palace in Beijing kept and exhibited. The Taipei National Palace Museum is a paradise for museum lovers.

National Palace Museum

National Palace Museum

the margins of the young capital Taipei is the monumental magnificent building of the National Palace Museum. Click to store the imperial collections, gifts from family or possession of collectors and acquisitions.

The treasure is so great that the inventory took two years. End of January 2010 included the entire collection of 677,687 objects. Of this 608 985 cultural objects from China.

To the entire Schätze anzusehen, brauchte man 10 Jahre! Allein die Kataloge der bisherigen Ausstellungen nehmen ein mittelgroßes Zimmer ein.

Der überwiegende Teil der Sammlungen aus fünf Jahrtausenden ist in den Bergen hinter dem 1965 eröffneten Museum in einem unterirdischen Labyrinth von Höhlen und Stollen geschützt eingelagert. Sicher vor Erdbeben, Bränden, Überflutungen, Insekten, Zerfall und vor drohenden Angriffen von außen.

Sammlungen im Nationalen Palastmuseum Taipeh

Die Sammlung des Nationalen Palastmuseums ist sehr vielfältig. Sie umfasst neolithische Jade und prähistorische Töpferei, kostbare Bronze aus der Shang- und Zhou-Dynastie, ancient musical instruments, chimes, sandalwood furniture, Buddha sculptures in gilt bronze, rare paintings and calligraphy from the Tang, Sung and Yuan dynasty, valuable books, scrolls, lacquer carvings, exquisite pottery, porcelain, enamel, jewelry, textiles, miniatures, religious cult objects and curiosities. Exquisite contemporary documents, which has resulted in the Chinese civilization.

exhibition groups in the National Palace Museum Taipei

Bronzen: 6,044
Gemälde: 5,290
Keramik: 25,479
Kalligrafien: 3,054
Jadeobjekte: 12,104
Kalligrafische Modellbücher: 474
Lackwaren: 707
Wirkereien und Stickereien: 306
Cloissoné: 2,510
Fächer: 1,651
Schnitzereien: 652
Seltene Bücher: 198,464
Schreibutensilien : 2,379
Archivalische Ch'ing-Dokumente: 386,729
Münzen: 6,953
Mandschurische, mongoliche und tibetische Dokumente: 11,501
Verschiedenes: 12,347
Abreibungen: 895
Textilien: 148
Quelle: National Palace Museum in Taipei

Nationales Palastmuseum Peking 

Die Sammlung wurde Kaiser Taizong im 10. Jahrhundert begonnen. Der stetig wachsende Schatz war bis zum Sturz der Ching-Dynastie durch die Xinhai-Revolution 1911 and the founding of the Republic of China "in 1912, only the emperor and his retinue reserved.

opened after the expulsion of the last emperor Puyi from the Forbidden City in 1925 the newly founded National Palace Museum of Beijing for the first time its doors to the people.

1927 installed General Chiang Kai-shek, a National Government in Nanking, and left in 1928 after he had conquered Beijing, the president of the "Republic of China" option.

Japan conquered Manchuria in 1931 and set up puppet state of Manchukuo in 1932 with Pu Yi as the last emperor of China. In 1937, the Japanese one other parts of China. It was the second Sino-Japanese War.

odyssey of Chinese art treasures

Now began the odyssey of the most precious treasures of China, which seems not completed until today.

The National Government of Chiang Kai-shek, fearing that the treasures of the Palace Museum Beijing could fall into the hands of the Japanese. They packed the most valuable parts in five trains running from Beijing to Nanjing and from there to Shanghai. approached

When the Japanese Shanghai, the works of art were transported in 20,000 wooden crates over mountains and rivers in the inland provinces of Sichuan and Guizhou. Thousands of cases survived the fighting in a remote hideout in the village on a steamboat near Emei and Chung King.

1947, two years after Japan's surrender, was taken by the Chinese treasure back to Nanking. It was the then capital of Chiang Kai-shek's Chinese Nationalist Party (Kuomintang). But with the civil war between Nationalists and Communists, the Communists moved to the south.

subject to the end of 1949 and the Nationalists fled to Taiwan. The most valuable works of art they took with them, except the Tibetica and some other items that had not yet considered "art."

arrived in Taiwan, the boxes were packed into a warehouse. The exiled government of Chiang Kai-shek lebte im Glauben der baldigen Rückkehr. Mit dem Zusammenbruch des Mao-Regimes wollte sie Festlandchina zurückerobern.

Erst 1965 nahm die abenteuerliche Reise ein vorläufiges Ende. In Waishuangxi, am Rande Taipeis, wurde das National Palace Museum im Stil der chinesischen Palastarchitektur eröffnet.

Die politische Dimension des chinesischen Kaiserschatzes zeigt sich auch darin, dass der Direktor des National Palace Museum automatisch Mitglied des Kabinetts ist.

Die Regierung in Peking fordert wieder und wieder die Herausgabe seines Eigentums und den Verzicht Taiwans auf seine chinesischen Besitztümer aus der Verbotenen Stadt, die dadurch beträchtlich would be enhanced. For a long time so could not leave Taipei's Palace Museum exhibits from the island.

In 1996, an exhibition in Paris was approved only after the French government had guaranteed the return of the exhibits in writing.

Two years later, the National Palace Museum will also exhibit some of its objects under strict regulations in the U.S., after Washington had promised "legal immunity".

The third major international exhibition in 2003 in Germany, with many political obstacles.

An exhibition in Beijing, home of the art treasures, is not however be seen. The heads of the two Palace Museums in Taiwan and China have, however, after political changes agreed on a cooperation. Even the art treasures of the National Palace Museum in Taipei is a valuable symbolic pledge to Taiwan's government.

exhibition schedule of the Taipei National Palace Museum

Museum Plan National Palace Museum Taipei, Source: National Palace Museum
opening times

exhibition building
daily year round von 8.30 Uhr bis 18.30 Uhr geöffnet.
Abendliche Öffnung: Samstags 18.30-20.30 Uhr, Eintritt  frei.
m 2.bis 4. Stock des Büchereigebäudes untergebracht. Montags bis samstags von 9.00 Uhr bis 17.00 Uhr geöffnet, an Sonntagen und nationalen Feiertagen geschlossen.
Chang Dai-ch'ien Gedächtnis-
Mit Ausnahme nationaler Feiertage montags bis freitags geöffnet.
Bitte rufen Sie eine Woche im Voraus unter der Nummer(02)2881-2021(#2683) an oder reichen Sie einen schriftlichen Antrag one to arrange a visit.
Chih-shan Garden
open Tuesday to Sunday from 7:00 am clock bis 19.00 clock
Chih-te Garden
Admission free
Children's Art Centre
daily year round from 8:30 clock open to 18:30 clock.
Evening Opening: Saturday 18:30 to 20:30 clock.
closed on Wednesday afternoons.
appointment necessary, primarily for children between 7 and 12 years.
Admission free.
Ticket sale hours: 8.20-18.30 clock


groups of people
normal ticket
NTD 160
Ordinary visitors
group ticket
NTD 120
groups with 10 or more persons, (group tickets cost NT $ 100 per person, plus NT $ 20 * for the rental of the NPM-Audio-Systems)
. Note: Everyone who buys a ticket group must rent the NPM-audio system.
Discount Tickets
NTD 80
students or students with ID
Chih-shan Garden
NTD 20
Please insert coin and enter (However, free on presentation of a NPM ticket that day.)
Admission free
  1. preschoolers
  2. handicapped and one accompanying person

  • The purchase of a ticket entitles the visitor to visit on the day of purchase all exhibitions in the Exhibition I (Main Building) .
  • is on the following 5 days in the year of free admission: 1 January, Lantern Festival, 18 May (International Museum Day), 27 September (World Tourism) and 10 October (National Day)

Taiwan tour

visit the National Palace Museum in Taipei Taiwan on a trip or a stopover Taipei. Find out about a Taiwan tour on the homepage combination travel or on the pages in the travel blog Taiwan tour (Reiter). inquiry Taiwan tour

Friday, November 26, 2010

Parts Of A Bath Scale

betel nut girls, Betelnut Girls, Binlang Xi Shi

The scantily clad betel nut girls, Betelnut Girls or Taiwanese Binlang Xi Shi are a unique Taiwanese phenomenon. Namesake, the legendary beauty Xi Shi of the Chinese Frühlingsfestest. The very pretty girl selling betel nuts on the roadside or in kiosks. Sex sells.

Betelnuss Kiosk Taiwan, Quelle: SElefant, Taiwan, Wikipedia
Xi Shi

Xi Shi war eine so außerordentlich schöne Frau, dass bei ihrem Anblick die Fische im Fluß das Schwimmen und die Vögel das Fliegen vergaßen. Sie war eine der vier Schönheiten der chinesischen Mythologie und lebte vor 2.500 Jahren. Auf sie geht das chinesische Idiom Xi-Shi Beauty zurück, das in China für außergewöhnliche Schönheit steht.


Die Betelnusskioske fallen wegen ihrer bunten Neonröhren on. They are usually near highways or roads out of big cities on the west coast of Taiwan.

Sales in lingerie and high heels dominated. Even giant poster next to or at the kiosks with the almost naked vendor boosts the business.

The Betelnussgeschäft is much better for unskilled women to work in the 7-Eleven stores.

The Taiwanese organization "Garden of Hope", which campaigns against sexual exploitation, evaluates the work as child labor. In their view, the activities of the Betelnussmädchen the first step to prostitution.

effect of betel nut

Comminuted betel nuts have a more stimulating effect than coffee. They are in many Southeast Asian countries is very popular and are purchased by truck and bus drivers, construction workers and market vendors like. The betel nut stain the teeth red, attack after years of continuous consumption teeth and gums, and often lead to oral cancer.

use of betel nut

immaturity betel nuts are chopped and chewed in Asia. They are rolled into sheets coated with slaked lime, which originate from the Betel (Piper betle). This betel are bitter and are supplemented with peppermint, licorice or chewing tobacco.

The mechanics of the slaked lime that is converted in the nuts located in Arecaidin arecoline and methanol.

The active ingredients are absorbed directly after chewing in the mouth and quickly pass the blood-brain barrier and contribute to fatigue. By alkalization form Phlobatannine that color the saliva red.

The chewing betel has been practiced for centuries by more than 450 million people in East Africa and Asia.


The high profit of Betelnussläden to a proliferation of Betelnusspalmen plantations on both the West and led to the East Coast. The Betelnusspalme (Areca catechu), whether Katechupalme or Arekapalme is a species of the palm family (Arecaceae)

Betelnusspalmen plantation Taiwan

Taiwan tour

Experience the Betelnussplantagen Taiwan Taiwan on a tour. Find out about a Taiwan tour on the homepage combination travel or on the pages in the travel blog Taiwan tour (Reiter). inquiry Taiwan tour

betel nut video