Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Portable Theater Booster Seat

I live again!

any case, more or less. I's appropriate to you! Six days are not without Gamescom! Many events, little time, constantly ran around, hardly been sitting still. But I'm definitely cool to know people and old friends met again.

But first I needed a few days now to go back somewhat to watch in color. Therefore I will now rumplappern not great but post photos. My impression of the Games can be found on IKYG.de .

Sunday, August 15, 2010

Rashes On Overweight Women

Monster '10

A few impressions from the weekend in Monster. Was nice, but we let the pictures speak

Saturday, August 14, 2010

Rcx Light Sensor Part

stuff of legends / On the way home

Hello Friends!

I just did not have much time! DC surf I'm going with Big Slick Nic D'any and to the Netherlands' ne round. Must be sometimes! But I still have two things to post:

1 had) I finally my New York Knicks Jersey:

2) Finally I'm back in the pot. And you would not believe how good it feels. Absolutely incredible feeling.

Monday, August 9, 2010

Woman Strangled Eyes Open

other day in the cinema ...

few days ago I was in the cinema. For professional reasons. More or less, and even no matter: The fact is, I was on Thursday with a work colleague (and moderator) at noon in a press screening for a film that I can talk about, since I would otherwise sued. But really!

But it's also (still) not primarily about the film, much more look around the said illusion productions. This is sometimes not so simple. And the more people to sit in the hall, the more effort can be the procedure.

general, it is irrelevant whether the person knows or not, but can significantly affect the experience, when a man turns one and the opening scene with the phrase "You have, in fact I have looked at all the scenes. If funny! :..! = D * "accompanied Ohja determined NOT

What is the greatest evil in the cinema
  • Sweating annoying people, but what can you
  • Dudes, cheerfully calls during the show you want to but you?.? zudröhnen brain with the poisonous rays.
  • The popcorn agitators? disturbing, but eventually the popcorn is indeed sometimes all.
  • The smooching this couple? Wayne, you can get hold everything necessary for the ticket.

The worst are people who are funny, interesting or important scenes previously announced or like a say sometimes excerpts from dialogues and general comment on EVERYTHING need. Since even the deafening volume in the room brings nothing gespoilert, (Say: Important points are cheerfully blurted ... Darth Vader is your father, and so, you know already) you will anyway.

But what can you do? Well, actually it was supposed to be enough if just keeps everyone in the cinema times for 90 minutes the door. Well, of course, will not work. I still like to go to the movies. Morning, for example.

* Hitler smiley !!!!!!!

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Swollen Gland Under Chin Pregnancy

Every year, new one is struck by a nasty summer slump that one wants to spoil the time with all his might. And one can not help but as indeed, just disappointed when, despite the optmistischen season the weather?

But it's fortunately not just me, the athletes of my favorite sports just seem a little boring to have:

So it seems Tyreke Evans, point guard of the Sacremento Kings, Rookie of the Year this past season, not to use his free time better than to deliver to a guy an illegal street race on a highway. Well, if this stupid watching the police, who find such actions rather uncool ...

If we are not cool on the subject of: Although Shaquille O'Neal is probably found in the next few days a new employer, made him determined to be temporary wide panic. Naturally, he is still tight on the 40 and has relatively unrealistic salary expectations. Therefore, one reason why he shows up at the sound check by Justin Bieber in Phoenix and stems are the best? The second pillar unpacked ...

Monday, August 2, 2010

Movierat In Bag Over Head

Ok silly season of August?

Woah! It is already August!

And since my last post again a lot of time has passed, but I was busy. No, seriously! So most of the time ...

The Gamescom can . Come So! What do you say, huh? Flights are booked and agree on the first dates ... This is great! Anyway, I'm still relatively upbeat! EU-PHO-RISCH! Because it fits so well anyway good that IKNOWYOURGAME.de in a new light shines! Super chic and offers a ... fänomenales forum. I won!

Otherwise there is not much neus. Bands have "discovered" that still somehow everyone knew ( Johnossi ) and trailer seen that can beat my little nerd heart beat (Scott Pilgrim vs. . The World).

Oh, my MacBook is fine. Only this morning I again realized how little I miss Windows. And although not at all! We had a fairly important meeting. Many colleagues were present and also wanted to show faces in the art, the Excel spreadsheets. Unfortunately, programs do not open, crashes have himself shot down. But after ten minutes, then everything went on ... Still, a smile could not help myself.

... Shit. Does that count now for Applenerdismus?