Monday, October 20, 2008

Someone Was Groping My Foot In Bus

In the south of the north

We've done it: now there are the first pictures, so you could believe us that we are really here and not in a hotel in Majorca. For next time a photo of our showcasing temporary residence:
far makes our small bus with quite well. The service at the service station is unique. Hardly had the engine is off, someone already make up the car with diesel (current price per liter: 0,63 €). Especially in the rural filling stations rather quickly Klönschnack and we are recommended the best sights in the surrounding area. So, as has been reported: the New Zealanders are very friendly. The distances are really not so great but because of road conditions (right lane highways, there are very rare) one needs in relation to the German distances much longer. picnicking and overnight we do in most beautiful national parks, where you can either free or available for a few dollars. Then, when we again need a shower, we control also plays a real camping :-).

We are now in Wellington, the capital city of New Zealand arrived. Highlights of last week was certainly include the Hot Water Beach on the Coromandel Peninsula at low tide to dig a hole in the sand and has its own pool. The water war knapp 50 Grad warm, an einigen Stellen hat man sich sogar fast verbrannt durch die heissen Quellen, die das Wasser aus dem Boden entspringen lassen. Weiter im Sueden, in Rotorua, stank die ganze Stadt nach verfaulten Eiern. Kaum zu glauben, dass soviel tausend Menschen in dieser Stadt leben, in der ueberall und staendig Schwefel und heisser Dampf aufsteigt. Dort haben wir auch ein orignal und noch aktives Maoridorf besucht. Maori sind die aeltesten Einwohner Neuseelands und ziemlich integriert in die Gesellschaft. Chrille war besonders begeistert, den originall HAKA-Tanz zu sehen. Wir koennten noch so viel erzaehlen, aber das soll jetzt erstmal reichen.

Chrille hat ganz vergessen den Spass und den Nervenkitzel zu erwaehnen, den wir (besonders Caro) had, as he guided rafting tour with a 7 m deep water well, runtergesaust. We were wet anyway, because it was raining in torrents.

Now a small photographic addendum:

The Cape Reinga, in the far north of New Zealand to the best views of the Pacific

Chrille the Sanbborden, a super fun! The Bay of Islands, on this beautiful island we made a picnic lunch.

Chrille to the waterfalls of Whangarei (Yes, the site have very cool names, it is clear including the influence of Maori: Kerikeri, Whakapapavillage, Whanganui, etc.).

So, morgen nehmen wir die Faehre von Wellington nach Picton ueber die Cook-Strasse. Die Fahrt soll sehr schoen sein, wenn man dann gutes Wetter hat, hoffen wir's. Wir vermissen Euch, hoffen Euch geht es gut und freuen uns Euch irgendwann mal wieder persoenlich zu sehen.


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