Thursday, October 30, 2008
Tattoo Ideas Motorcycle
So the debate about the haircut of Chrille: He was the barber and has his hair to cut to 5 mm. They are neither dyed nor is his bald head burned, it was just time to cut them.
now to more important things: We had some great days in the Abel Tasman National Park. In a wonderfully Caribbean weather, we went a day at the Coast Kayak, have camped in the evening in a remote bay and the next morning walked along the mountainous coast. In the evening we had a sort of Robinson Crusoe experience. Actually, it was ordered a water taxi to pick us up again and bring back to civilization. But it did not. So we waited on the lonely beach, hoping to meet other people who arrived, however. The first boat that came by truck passed, just past us and ignored us. A bit of uncertainty to come. Then we discovered a second boat, but also went to another beach. When it came back in our direction we waved conspicuous to somehow make it to our attention. The boat seemed to change his course and to set out in our direction. We took our backpacks. But then the boat changed course again and headed to an island (we thought we had made it clear that we wait for it). wanted Well, after a violent turn, the boat finally came Wincke to us what we asked and took us to the end. They had forgotten us well ... We had been thinking how we would spend the night without sleeping bags and tents (for we had left at the campsite). To the want of you who will marry soon or working on their marriage: This National Park would be ideal for honeymoons and for a common Kayaktrip you learn at the same teamwork and communication.
Now we are on the rugged west coast with huge waves and strong surf, where you unlikely to voluntarily go swimming. Soon it will change into the Southern Alps (The hot really is. Austrians have all left their influence). The Internet is absolutely expensive, so only briefly: We are doing good!
Monday, October 20, 2008
Someone Was Groping My Foot In Bus
We've done it: now there are the first pictures, so you could believe us that we are really here and not in a hotel in Majorca. For next time a photo of our showcasing temporary residence:
We are now in Wellington, the capital city of New Zealand arrived. Highlights of last week was certainly include the Hot Water Beach on the Coromandel Peninsula at low tide to dig a hole in the sand and has its own pool. The water war knapp 50 Grad warm, an einigen Stellen hat man sich sogar fast verbrannt durch die heissen Quellen, die das Wasser aus dem Boden entspringen lassen. Weiter im Sueden, in Rotorua, stank die ganze Stadt nach verfaulten Eiern. Kaum zu glauben, dass soviel tausend Menschen in dieser Stadt leben, in der ueberall und staendig Schwefel und heisser Dampf aufsteigt. Dort haben wir auch ein orignal und noch aktives Maoridorf besucht. Maori sind die aeltesten Einwohner Neuseelands und ziemlich integriert in die Gesellschaft. Chrille war besonders begeistert, den originall HAKA-Tanz zu sehen. Wir koennten noch so viel erzaehlen, aber das soll jetzt erstmal reichen.
Chrille hat ganz vergessen den Spass und den Nervenkitzel zu erwaehnen, den wir (besonders Caro) had, as he guided rafting tour with a 7 m deep water well, runtergesaust. We were wet anyway, because it was raining in torrents.
Now a small photographic addendum:
The Cape Reinga, in the far north of New Zealand to the best views of the Pacific
Chrille the Sanbborden, a super fun! The Bay of Islands, on this beautiful island we made a picnic lunch.
Chrille to the waterfalls of Whangarei (Yes, the site have very cool names, it is clear including the influence of Maori: Kerikeri, Whakapapavillage, Whanganui, etc.).
So, morgen nehmen wir die Faehre von Wellington nach Picton ueber die Cook-Strasse. Die Fahrt soll sehr schoen sein, wenn man dann gutes Wetter hat, hoffen wir's. Wir vermissen Euch, hoffen Euch geht es gut und freuen uns Euch irgendwann mal wieder persoenlich zu sehen.
Sunday, October 12, 2008
Funny Invite To 50th Birthday
Ich hatte es mir so fest vor genommen und doch ist es schief gegangen: An der ersten Kreuzung in unserem "neuen" Campervan wollte ich blinken und habe dann doch intuitiv den Scheibenwischer benutzt. Denn Blinker und Scheibenwischer sind ja auch vertauscht (Es dauert glaube ich dreimal bis ich mich daran gewoehnt hatte - Caro ging es spaeter genauso). Mit unserem Auto sind wir bestens zufrieden, ausser dass es bei den zahlreichen Mountains rather cozy mountain boots, and even trucks overtake us, but we're on vacation. Two gas burners, a Abschwaschbecken, a 20 liter water tank and fresh linens make the holiday enjoyable.
we are now back in Auckland and zuruekgekehrt from the far north. One thing is already clear now that we are only a small part of the country have seen, it is definitely one of the most beautiful on earth, because it is just as incredibly diverse. The weather has improved. Especially in the beautiful Bay of Islands, where one feels like the Caribbean, our cruise between the many small islands was impressive. Cape Reigna, the northernmost and most isolated spot as New Zealand (at least by us felt like this) we have the infinite view of the vast Pacific enjoyed and camped right next to it in a beautiful bay. Defies Bulli and duvet at night but it is very cold. On one of the largest sand dunes in New Zealand we have a sand board on loan and are the dunes down heating in every room. Fürn What fun!
Yesterday we have in a small town Dagarville (4,500 inhabitants, we would probably call it something village) witnessed a baptism in a Baptist church. Taufgewaender, as we know it from Germany, it is not here. Mant renamed swim shorts and T-shirt. Impressively was how the pastor in shorts, T-shirt has front and Barrfuss stand and shortly before the baptism explained again what happened now (I could do that in a German community make?). Then we were surprised by an elder sister for lunch and overnight stay at their great house invited on the mountain. Fantastic, that was a real Sunday for us.
missing Nonetheless us family, friends and familiar surroundings. After the communal life in Elstal solitude here in NZL is still getting used to.
We would show you some pictures, but that is not possible in the internet cafes. Perhaps there is still something.
is Now from there to the south, about one week in the North Island, before we take the ferry in Wellington to Picton on South Island. We hope we can get in touch again soon.
Sunday, October 5, 2008
Holly Wil Birthday Cake
The constant wind here in Auckland (similar to the coast at home) entitles the nickname City of Sails. Especially the huge port, destination of the world-famous America's Cup, has been a special flair. Yesterday we took a ferry to Devonport, across from Auckland, and were able to admire the skyline from a distance. The old sweet Hauesser (Caro's description) in the colonial style took us back to the 19th Century. The highlight was the visit of the local Anglican church, invited us to bring all pets, so they can be blessed. Too bad that I had no guinea pigs at hand.
is the friendliness and sportsmanship of the New Zealanders in particular striking. Constantly running to the jogger by us. In shops it is served very friendly faces. This openness and composure is impressive. For all who would now be happy on vacation, be mentioned that the weather is not a bit better than at home: It's raining today and for the spring is still relatively cold. From tomorrow we will rent a small bus and start our trip north of New Zealand. I already respect driving in front of links ...
Saturday, October 4, 2008
Warming Up Sausage Rolls In Microwave
So, it is done. According to official three days of flight (1 - 3 October) we had an enjoyable and healing in Auckland, NZ. The flights were comfortable, we have always beaten the full stomach, let our feet massage in Singapore (it's free!) and let us introduce to our seatmate in the secrets of the New Zealand beer. Scott sat next to us about 20 hours. He is the typical Australian. can be casual dress, tanned, lives at Bondi Beach (the most beautiful and most famous beach in Sydney) and surfs as often as he.
Here in Auckland we are staying the first few days in a backpacker hostel. When we were on the first night we cooked our food and have it placed in the common room, we felt like old times on the logo. People from all over the world are welcomed, wanted to know who we are and where we come from. So a very friendly reception.
As befits a budding heard Baptist pastor, we were in worship today: In the Baptist Tabernacle of Auckland. Schoen, despite the many thousands of miles away but the same songs are sung. You feel like a piece of it better.
So much for the beginning, soon there are more.