National Chiang Kai-shek Memorial Hall in Taipei, CKS Memorial Hall in Taipei The National Chiang Kai-shek Memorial Hall is centrally located in Chiang Kai-shek Park Taipei close to the President's office. The 25-acre park in the modern era, reflects the spirit of Chinese culture and symbolism. The unique architectural style and the beautiful park design, you should not miss. Request
stopover Taipei |
National Chiang Kai-shek Memorial Hall, Source: Wikipedia, AngMoKio |
planning of Chiang Kai-shek Memorial Hall After the death of the former President and dictator General Chiang Kai- shek decided in April 1975 the nationalist government of Taiwan on 2 July 1975 to construct a CKS Memorial Hall in Taipei.
filed after an international tender in August 1975 a 43-architect their projects. A panel of experts took five drafts in the short list.
The design of the famous Taiwanese architect Yang Cho-cheng (Taipei Grand Hotel, Acer Central u. v. m.) erhielt den Zuschlag. Er vereinigt verschiedene traditionell-chinesische Architekturstile. Das Projekt ist an die Palast- und Tempelarchitektur Pekings und an das zwischen 1926 und 1929 errichtete Sun-Yat-sen-Mausoleum in Nanjing in der heutigen Volksrepublik China angelehnt, der Gedenkhalle für den Gründer der Republik China und der
Kuomintang .
Bau der CKS Memorial Hall in Taipeh Am 31. Oktober 1976, dem 90. Geburtstag des verstorbenen Präsidenten, wurde der erste Spatenstich westlich von HangJhou South Road, östlich von JhongShan South Road, nördlich von Aiguo E. Road und südlich von Sinyi Road getätigt.
RSEA Engineering Corporation und Veteran's Affairs Commission waren die Auftragnehmer.
Die Halle wurde offiziell für die Öffentlichkeit am 5. April 1977 geöffnet.
Damit endete der erste Bauabschnitt. Es entstanden der Hauptteil der 70 Meter hohen Halle, Gärten, Pavillons, Veranda und Seitengebäude.
Symbolik der Nationalen Chiang Kai-shek Gedächtnishalle Die Haupthalle mit drei Stockwerken steht auf einem breiten und soliden Fundament, das "Jhung Jheng" (unparteiisch und gerecht) symbolisieren soll.
Das achteckige Dach symbolisiert viele "ren" (Menschen), The gold tip is a symbol of the "union of man and heaven."
The roof is shaped like an altar to heaven and is reminiscent of the Temple of Heaven in Beijing. Blue glazed tiles reflect the sunlight beautifully.
The color of the blue sky and the white marble (sun) and the red flower beds symbolize freedom, equality and the flag of Taiwan.
The rectangular shape is the 8, which symbolizes China "wealth and skill."
The building has a square floor plan. The walls are painted white. A red blanket made of cypress wood and bright red granite floor to a sense of sacredness, solemnity, Hospitality and peace impart.
Two white stars with both 89 pips represent Chiang's age and the star of the flag of the Republic. They are placed above the main entrance.
The main entrance consists of two double doors, each 16 meters high and 75 tons.
The inscriptions on the wall above and behind the statue means "ethics, democracy and science". On the side walls might include: ". The vocation of life is to improve the general life of mankind"
89 steps leading up to the entrance, reminiscent of the age of death of Chiang Kai-shek.
exhibition at the National Chiang Kai-shek Gedächtnishalle |
Chiang Kai-shek, Quelle: Wikipedia, Kuaile Long |
Chiang Kai-shek thront sitzend im Raum. Seine 25 Tonnen schwere Bronzestatue wird von Soldaten der Nationalgarde bewacht. Die Wachablösung ist wegen der fast artistischen Darbietungen eine Touristenattraktion.
Die Kellerräume der Gedenkhalle enthalten eine Bücherei und ein Museum, welches das Leben Chiang Kai-sheks dokumentiert.
Dazu Erinnerungsstücke aus dem persönlichen Besitz, unter anderem ein schöner Cadillac.
Auch wurde ein Büro set up in which a wax figure of Chiang Kai-shek established.
second construction phase of the Chiang Kai-shek Memorial Hall |
National Chiang Kai-shek Park main gate, source: Wikipedia, AngMoKio |
In the second phase the National Opera House, the National Concert Hall, four gates and a parking garage built by the year 1987 at the same location.
striking are the hip roof style of the National Opera House and the "Gable and Hip" roof of the National Concert Hall. In combination with the octagonal roof of Memorial Hall, they form a Triangle Design. The Memorial Hall is with its 70 meters height, the central building.
National Taiwan Democracy Memorial Hall Today is the memorial park, a place of pilgrimage for Taiwanese people from home and abroad that are useful here Chiang Kai-shek their last respects. He had the island almost 30 years of dictatorial ruled under martial law (repealed 1987). Until recently he lived in the belief that the small Taiwan conquer the great China.
On 1 January 2008, opened the memorial hall under the name "National Taiwan Democracy Memorial Hall" after a long dispute between the democratic and nationalist forces again. A Symbolakt opening the door to democracy in Taiwan.
During the 10-meter-high statue of Chiang Kai-shek's stopped, was the honor guard removed and the hall with a documentation of the victims under Chiang Kai-shek, filled milestones and 300 Dragon. In the Shanghai area alone over 1 million people drowned when the General had burst the dams of the Yangtze.
made after the election victory of Koumintang on 21 August 2008 decision to undo a formal name change, so that the hall since then with its original name, National Chiang Kai-shek Memorial Hall.
The government promised though, before a further decision to consult public opinion, which was not before. On 20 July 2009, replacing the inscription on the plaque.
The main gate to the Chiang Kai-shek Park |
main gate of the Great Centrality and Perfect straightness " |
The main gate of the Great Centrality and Perfect straightness" (Great Centrality and Perfect uprightness) is located at the western end of the "Zhong-shan South Road.
The" Gateway to the great loyalty "(Gate of Great Loyalty) is on the north side of the" Xin Yi Road, the "Gate of great piety" (Gate of Great Piety) at the southern end of the "Aiguo East Road.
The Torinschriften the Memorial Hall and the Memorial Square in the ancient style, kept Chinese calligrapher of the Tang Dynasty, Wang Xizhi and Eastern Jin Dynasty.
homage Boulevard in the Chiang Kai-shek Park A tribute to the Memorial Hall Boulevard connects to the memorial square. The memorial square is flanked on the north side of the National Concert Hall and on the south side of the National Theater Hall. These two events provide cultural centers of China's and Taiwan's history, including operas in China.
memorial space in the Chiang Kai-shek Park The memorial plaza serves as a ceremonial site for foreign dignitaries, who would become the full red carpet.
day practice the soldiers drill. People in dance, Taekwondo, Tai Chi and other martial arts exercises and Xiangqi or the Go-playing watch.
Internationally renowned artists use the vast open-air stands as an exotic backdrop. In the theater, Chinese and Western operas, plays and ballets, performed in the concert hall instrumental and vocal concerts.
The annual Lantern Festival, to be arranged in the form of huge lanterns in the current animal of the Chinese calendar, give the place a special appearance.
The memorial space is used repeatedly for mass demonstrations by students.
stopover Taipei Be sure to visit the magnificent monuments and beautiful park with a stopover
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video CKS Memorial Hall
National Map Chiang Kai-shek Memorial Hall in Taipei