LATEST SIM - Schendi the east of Greenland, has near the Ngao lake in conjunction with Ice Inlet and coat gloss yesterday docked our newest Sim, is it is the Gorean Sim Schendi, descriptions of other and pictures will follow.
Schendi The city is an equatorial free port, only slightly below the equator. The city is run by the caste of traders, although the identity of the current administrator was never known. The word "Schendi" has no real special meaning. It could be the corruption of a word from the language of the interior, „Ushindi“, was „Sieg“ bedeutet. Wenn man sich der Stadt vom Thassa aus nähert, entdeckt man die ersten Anzeichen von Schendi etwa 30 bis 40 Pasang weit auf dem Meer. Man beginnt bräunliche Strömungen im Wasser wahrzunehmen, Spuren des Sedimentes der Flüsse Kamba und Nyoka, die beide bei Schendi münden. Das erste Land, das man erreicht ist Point Schendi, gelegen auf einer kleinen Halbinsel. Von dieser Stelle liegt die Stadt Schendi etwa vier Pasang entfernt.
Wenn die Schiffe einlaufen, müssen sie einer Bojenkette an backbord folgen. Für die auslaufenden Schiffe gilt dasselbe. Die Bojenketten sind farblich gekennzeichnet und geleiten die Schiffe zu den wichtigsten Docks der Händler. There are more than forty docks for dealers in this area, can create in every four ships. The Port of Schendi is very large, about eight Pasang wide and up to three Pasang deep. At the eastern end of the port of Nyoka River flows into the sea. The water of the river be tamed by stone embankments, which are two hundred yards apart. Because narrow down the embankments of the river at this point, the water masses get much faster in the harbor, as they would normally flow. If you want to travel the Nyoka River upstream from the port, there is a bypass channel, which is similar to a locking system. This bypass channel is quiet water areas for vessel traffic available to it the natural flow of Nyoka recovered. This bypass channel is usually called the "hook". Schendi has a population of about one million people, the black majority, so that it is a populous city. The official language in Schendi is Gorean and only a small proportion of the population speaks the dialect of the domestic jungle. Schendi is still the home port of the infamous league of the black slave traders (League of Black Slavers). It is the league of the black slave traders to an organized group of pirates known for their cruelty. They limit their raids and slave raids on the distant waters of Schendi because they do not want to make their own people prey. The league sells their captured slaves usually not Schendi. She prefers to sell them closer to other slave markets or the Sardar Fair.
Schendi The sign of the "chain and scimitar. The chain is obviously something special for slavery and probably for the league of the black slave traders. The Scimitar is a widely used weapon in the city and is sometimes used as a tool for discipline and punishment. The infamous "scimitar of discipline" from Schendi is sometimes used to separate off the feet of a misguided slaves.
Due to its location on the equator, there is no real winter in Schendi. During the winter in the southern hemisphere, there is instead a dry season. It's not really dry during this time, actually it is a season with less rain than the rest of the year. It is based on two rainy and two dry seasons per year. The farmers and other farmers cultivate their fields mainly in the early dry season, because there is less rain. While the rainy season would be washed away any spilled seeds by the permanent cast. In general, there are two daily heavy rains at this time. Due to open up this heavy rainfall must be a farmer after two to three harvests a new field, because the minerals and nutrients of the soil are washed out by persistent rain. Entire villages have to walk because of this situation. The farmers of this region are more gardeners than actual farmers. The sterility of the country is the main reason that have developed in the interior no large population centers. The country would support a large permanent settlement for any significant time. Das Wetter hilft dennoch den Händlern, ihrem Gewerbe nachzugehen, da es den Schiffsverkehr von und nach Schendi über das ganze Jahr erlaubt.
Schendi ist von hölzernen Palisaden umgeben. Man möchte damit einigen Schutz vor den Stämmen des nahen Dschungels erzielen. Allerdings ist Schendi keine wirkliche Festung oder schwer bewaffnete Stadt. Es hat nicht einmal Kriegsschiffe. Es ist einfach eine Stadt der Händler mit wenig wirksamem Schutz gegen einen Angriff. Die stärksten Stämme des Dschungels könnten die Stadt vermutlich einnehmen, wenn sie es wirklich wollen würden. Trotz dieser Schutzlosigkeit beschreiben die Bücher keine zurückliegenden Angriffe durch andere Städte. Nur die Dschungelstämme seem to represent a real threat to the port. Its proximity to the jungle Schendi has its unique signature scent. In town you can smell pungent spices, overlaid with the scent of aromatic flowers and rotting vegetation. This is a true cacophony of smells.
Schendi is an important port for traders from all over Gor. Many major trading houses, from a variety of cities, agents and offices have here. Schendi exports a number of products, some of which are quite unique in the city. In the city are many leather workers who are employed in the processing of kailiauk skins. Kailiauk leather and horns are a the main export item. Spices of all kinds as well. Palm wine is also exported, but there is no description of this drink. We know neither color nor smell. Small, carefully hand-carved sapphires are also exported. The sapphires are usually deep blue, purple, although some also can be white or yellow. The sapphires are usually carved in the form of small panther or other animals. Ironically, among slaves, despite the existence of the black slave traders to the main export articles of Schendi because they sell so the slaves far away from the city. Nevertheless, the city has a number of excellent slave markets as Ushanga, Mkufu, Utajiri, Dhahabu, Fedha, Marashi, Hariri, Kovu and Ngoma.
Most buildings in the city are built of wood and have wooden air shafts on their roofs. These can be easily opened or closed. An old trick from Schendi is, cords to hang with dried peas on the ceiling of the apartment. If someone comes through the roof, replaced the exerted pressure, the peas from their attachment. This is an excellent way to detect very low potential burglar. At night can be attached small bells on the strings, to arouse sleeping residents. Tarl Cabot himself fell for this trick, as he sniffed around in Schendi.
A typical dealer from Schendi will probably carry the following wear. On his head a Aba. A Aba is working like a hood that covered his head and then hangs just over her back down. Because of the heat is very common in the Aba Schendi. About the ABA could sit a cap with two gold tassels Schendis. He will also carry an ankle-length, loose-cut gown, although it is also a "Tobe" can be. A "Tobe" could be a certain type of dress. In the books, this "Tobe" is mentioned twice, without an earthly counterpart could be found. It may be that there is a typographical error. The colors of the Robe wären weiß und gold, wenn er ein Händler ist, oder blau und gold, wenn er ein Sklavenhändler ist. Um die Robe wird er eine Schärpe tragen, die den geschwungenen Dolch hält.
Den Frauen der unteren Kasten Schendis, den Frauen aus dem Dschungel und den weißen Sklavinnen bringt man oft bei, Fässer auf dem Kopf zu tragen. Sie müssen dies schaffen, ohne ein Tuch auf dem Kopf zu haben oder ihre Hände zu benutzen. Es wird als gute Übung für die Körperhaltung der Mädchen betrachtet.
Es könnte zutreffen, dass es keine Meuchelmörder in Schendi oder sogar auf der ganzen Südhalbkugel gibt. Es gibt einen interessanten Passus, der The following describes: "He is white," said a man nearby. "You can only Schendi in buying such a killer. Are you familiar with the Sleen of the North. " ( Explorers of Gor, p. 241 ) These words are spoken by a native of the jungle, one of the men Bila Hurumas, the black Ubar. His words will not be contradicted by the bystanders. His words suggest that the assassin, "the Sleen" can only come from the north Schendis, ie from north of the equator. Unfortunately, there is only a small portion of treats not of the issue. Why did the assassin only in the north organized headquarters? It seems that they can be bought for jobs in the south, why not also build a base here? If there are fewer needs or requests in the South? This will probably remain another of the unsolved mysteries of Gor.