Sunday, May 30, 2010

Maytag Quiet Series 400 Troubleshooting

What makes people tired from

I like Skype.


I like Skype. Really.

Supplement No. 2:

D'anys response to the entry:

Friday, May 28, 2010

Isuzu Rodeo Pcv Valve

Back to the Future!

Sorry, but I have to have this part! NOW! NOW!

HoverBoard - NILS Guadagnin from nils Guadagnin on Vimeo .

Pentax Water Pump Installation

I'm awake, what? Part II

good ... ehm ... Hello!

A new coat of paint adorns my blog. Had to be easy times. Is like underwear: change Sometimes simple.

Yesterday I paid the Apple Store here in Munich once a visit. Definitely cool shop. And always rappel full. The interesting thing is that all laptops have there, which you can watch to an internet connection. Sun prepubertal Halbstarke change just before the store like to leave the home, so the next person who wants to learn more about the features of the Safari browser, while auch tiefe Einblicke in etwaige Körperöffnungen bekommt.

Gerne werden auch mal Mails gecheckt (und beantwortet!), Facebook aktualisiert oder bei relativ fragwürdige Frauen angeschrieben, die noch fragwürdigere Fotos ins Internet stellen. Nicht klang heimlich, sondern in aller Ruhe. Crazy. Aber den Mitarbeitern scheint es nicht zu stören.

Aber wenn wir schon mal bei den Mitarbeitern sind: Die sind echt nett. Richtig nett. Gruselig nett. So Buddymäßig nett. Und alle tragen das gleiche. Und heißen "Apple Genuises". Irre.

Heute war ja auch der Verkaufsstart vom iPad. Und da war richtig Alarm. Selbst als ich gestern vor Ort war, campten schon einige Leute vor dem Laden. And I thought such a thing exists only in the United States.

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

What Percentage Should Be Muscle

spiritual ebb

It is again a little while since I've last posted something. Well, what should I tell? I have to tell not sooo much. Right now everything is more or less his usual way. Actually, really all the same as always. The same routine. I'm not Han Solo. It would be nice but all.

But one makes the best out of it: If the weather is good, it goes out (really!) and plays a game of basketball. Since I am in extremely pleasing able to live near a clever Courts, is not a big act there is always something going on and you meet a shooting, that one can really measure. And I'm not talking about the weird pseudo-And1 Ball, who believe that would have it, because they have by watching on Youtube a few tricks, wear a Sprewell jersey from the old Knicks-time, but it unfortunately also like to again Dribbling ... refrain Although ... The are also, but rather for the amusement.

Changing the subject: On the fifth of June is finally back home. "Relative" spontaneously, but it indeed deserves. D-Way celebrates the beginning of an epic life. He celebrates himself as it were (rightly!), BigSlickNik (Right) and the launch of the joint WG (rightly!). One can of course not to be missed. Although there will be a theme party and all dress up somehow need. But cancel the tickets was no longer ...

And now something that has nothing at all but with something on his hat, which was written here before ... Still funny:

Monday, May 17, 2010

9 Creatine Level And What It Means

If I was sucht...

... I'm on the roof!

Monday, May 10, 2010

Knightsbridge Doll Ruth Limited Edition

The Sky Is Falling But The Stars Looks Good On You... Or so.

Ok, I'm fresh from Ólafur Arnalds concert and it was an incomprehensible experience that I now can not quite put into words. But one thing is definite: Der Typ weiß wie man Musik macht und wie man Atmosphäre aufbaut. Gänsehaut pur.

Bis ich alles ein wenig verarbeitet habe, was gerade genau passiert ist, erstmal ein paar Teaser:

So, jetzt bin ich wieder zu Hause, hab die Videos ein wenig bearbeitet und hochgeladen, damit Ihr an dem Spektakel von gestern ein wenig teilhaben könnt.